Fluorescent Adolescent
Wow, the first two weeks of university has flown by in a blur of french, socialising, sushi and softball. So indeed faithful reader(s), I apologise for failing to blog as regularly as I would like.
In fact just to make today worse, I had typed up a blog, forgot to save the draft, and then since it didn’t publish itself properly it got deleted. SO NOW YOU GET MY WHINING NOW OKAY?
No, don’t worry, it’s not that bad. I thought that at some stage I would have to do a typical “whiny” blog entry, however, that day is perhaps fortunately, not in fact today.
Many of you may already be aware of the fact that because of the new ‘Melbourne Model’ Arts students are required to do two IDF subjects – one each semester- which come from a list of 8 subjects.
These ‘subjects’ all have delightfully interesting names such as “understanding Asia” or “From Homer to Hollywood”, and many students truly do love to hate them.
I, myself am doing Philosophy, Politics and Economics (affectionately termed PPE), which I decided upon, as it seemed to be the best out of the bad bunch. However, quite to my surprise, I find myself enjoying this subject. Maybe it’s because I love philosophy, or the fact that all my tutorials and lectures are at 9 or 10, so I’m in a kind of sleepy stupor, but PPE actually interests me.
Yes, I’ll admit it, the impossible has happened, and someone actually likes an IDF subject.
And so, apart from the fact that I am quite literally drowning in my post VCE french work, my life is going by quite swimmingly.
In fact, it’s hard to believe, that in three weeks tomorrow, I’ll be back in sunny old Perth to spend the Easter break with my family.
Also found out today that my first french test is in fact next Wednesday, and so off I scuttle to read up on french grammar… hoorah!
In the mean time, please feel free to live vicariously through me and ask any questions that you might have!