M&C BLOGGERS – LET US MEET, and other nonsense (Cristina)

Excuse the cruise control in the title, I just felt I needed to capture the attention of the audience in question. I’ll get that out of the way first off (the rest of the blog is normal…well, depending on your definition of “normal”):


We have come to the conclusion that we all share a mutual and ethereal love for one another, despite the fact we haven’t met. Hence,  I propose that this coming Monday morning, for our only lecture, we meet.


  1. All agree on a certain colour to wear (I would suggest something uncommon, like mustard, alizarin or aquamarine), then hang back at the end of the lecture and identify each other.
  2. Simply hang back at the end of the lecture and identify each other.
  3. Wear a nametag. Doesn’t necessarily have to be your real name, as long as it is a nametag. For instance, you would identify me as “Viktor Krum”.
  4. Arrive at the lecture theatre maybe 15 minutes early.
  5. Dress in a bumblebee costume.

I know, I know. All these ideas are brilliant. What can I say? Oh, you’re too kind.

…Um, yes. PICK YOUR FAVOURITE! Commentcommentcomment! I really want to meet you all, and I’m sure you feel the same! But if you don’t, that’s okay…I’ll just…go over there….and cry….

ANYWAY. Hi to all the other readers etc of my blog! I’ll keep this one short and sweet. (GASP!)

Week 2, for me, has moved along quite swimmingly. I mean, when I first started uni, I was all like:

But now I’m like:

Tutes are FAR, FAR more interesting than lectures (during most of which I played Minesweeper on my netbook at some point), however, I can safely and unashamedly say that this week I have heard the term “housekeeping” more times than I think is healthy. Now every time I hear the word, I involuntarily twitch. Suggestion: each tutor should look up a synonym for housekeeping, and use it instead. I AM SICK OF HEARING IT.

I have been making some friends in my tutes, which is always handy. Exchanging Facebook deets is always exhilarating, but when you exchange phone numbers, well, you know it’s getting pretty serious. However, I’m starting to feel a little…abnormal. Being a person who doesn’t drink (simply because I don’t like the taste and have never had the desire to anyway) and has never been a massive party-goer, I feel a bit isolated from the general uni crowd. I dunno, should I go to a party, just to see what it’s like? I know I’ll hate it, but…I dunno. I really don’t. It seems like it’s the only way people are making lots of friends, and alcohol seems to be the one thing everyone has in common. Everyone except me. YAY.

I’m going to bed now! Lovely 3-day weekend to look forward to (oh right, I never mentioned that my timetable is AWESOME and I have Fridays off!), filled with trying (and probably failing) to figure out all my assignments.


P.S. I don’t actually have a post-script to say, but I thought it’d be cool to keep up this trend I’ve had so far of having P.S’s in my blog. It can be my trademark, lol. How cool am I?

P.P.S. Oh wait, I do have a P.S: Yes, I made those animations because I’m cool like that.

3 thoughts on “M&C BLOGGERS – LET US MEET, and other nonsense (Cristina)

  1. Ah, Cristina. Yet again I read your post and know you and I are on the same page. I, like you, am not a partygoer and I, like you, feel rather left out of the Uni culture. Hmm…what to do…?

    I will be at the lecture(s) tomorrow (Media Comm and Creative Writing), and I shall wear the most distinctive colour I own; it’s an orangey pinky hoodie thing, with purple designs on the boobs – I know, I’m raunchy. I shall also very awkwardly hang around after the lecture and DAMN IT, WE WILL MEET!!! I will also send you my mobile through Facebook, so hopefully you get one of both of these messages and we can hold hands and skip afterwards.

    Until then, my friend, adieu.

  2. Well unfortunately, I have to dash off to work tomorrow after Media and Comm so I can’t wear anything too distinctive but tell you what, I’ll hang around after the lecture for a bit, try to find Laura and then, hopefully, you too Cristina!

  3. “I dunno, should I go to a party, just to see what it’s like? ”

    I’m a soberlite like you! And yeah, I have been contemplating the above question. Every club seems to like hanging around pubs at awkwardly late times of the day. I think I will wait till I have “settled” into uni before heading out of my comfort zone. I actually found these social things more intimidating than the actual uni-related stuff.

    I still plan to host sober-parties throughout uni =p

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