I'm off my face on tea cake and loving life…


“Believe it or not, I’m walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free-hee-hee!!!”

Yes, my friends, Laura is quite happy with life at this very moment. I have had a grand evening, chaps, with my lovely housemate. Events of the night are as follows:

1. Got home. Wrote poetry. Complained about it to Sarah, my housemate.

2. Made baked potatoes with Sarah for dinner.

3. Got music playing.

4. Watched news (decided some contact with the outside world would probably be healthy).

5. Decided we wanted dessert. Found packet of tea-cake mix in the pantry. Looked at ingredients. WE HAD THE INGREDIENTS!!! Made cake.

6. Took photos of cake.

7. Ate cake.

8. Took photos of us eating cake.

9. Reluctantly gave cake to other housemate, the one that lives in the back of the house and comes out to eat, annoy us and use the toilet, after ignoring social cues and basic human decency. So, yes, we parted with some of the cake. My heart belongs to that cake.

10. Danced (a lot) to weird, wacky and wonderful music.

11. Ate more cake.

12. Danced more.

13. Collapsed on couch.

14. Watched selected bits of ‘Stick It!’ and Sarah explained to me the gymnastic-ey bits.

15. Washed dishes.

16. Decided we should go to bed.

17. Agreed we were still really awake.

18. Decided to go into our rooms to try and calm ourselves down.

Now I am writing this manic post, off my face on tea cake. (Just on that note, butter is possibly the best thing in the entire world. Seriously, if you say to someone “This is amazing. What’s in it?” 9 times out of 10, butter will be on the list.)

So, tonight I have felt wonderful, after a really great day at Uni. Now that I see familiar faces in tutes, etc I am no longer quivering in my little boots and I actually feel mildly human instead of a little baby birthed into the big wide world and being visciously spanked by a million doctors at once (Wow. That sentence made a weird turn).

I have assessments due next week, and they’re not fun, but I do feel like singing “I’m a big kid now!” Huggies-ad-style. Hmm…1:02am. No mother to tell me to go to bed. No Uni tomorrow. I am so demented right at this moment it’s not funny. This, right now, is what I call writing under the influence. I’ll probably wake tomorrow with feeling hangover-esque, then have a terrible flashback where the camera of my life takes a shot of my eye and the audience sees through my pupil and goes back in time, and then I shall remember sitting on my bed, typing really fast about nothing at all and being mortified that I wasted the time and effort of you lovely people.

Again, accept my apologies. I really am not as insane as I seem. Well, I kind of am. But whatever. Those are my issues to deal with. Ignore me. In fact, erase this post from your memory.

I remain, humbly yours,


PS: I met Cristina. Yes, she’s as amazing as she seems.

3 thoughts on “I'm off my face on tea cake and loving life…

  1. Bahahahaha! This is amazing. Now I feel like I would actually forfeit my non-rent-paying status to replace your antisocial housemate just so I can join your cakefests!

  2. I was smiling throughout this whole article until I reached the last sentence. I then broke out into a large grin. YOU ARE ALSO AMAZING. And I really want to visit you in your cool dorm room or whatever they call them. AND HOPEFULLY WE CAN RENDEZVOUS AGAIN ON MONDAY! 😀 (We also need to meet up more often than that)

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