On poverty, share housing, etc.

I handed in my assignments. Three days late, but what can you do. I have another due tomorrow and an essay due on the 6th, neither of which I have started. Oops.

University is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane at the moment- routine is a good thing. Even if i’m really lazy and such, just attending classes etcetera is a very very good thing.

Life is crazy right now. My boyfriend and I broke up two weeks ago and he’s now dating some Cuban stripper that he met like a week ago, and I lost my wallet so I have no money at all (and stupid Easter means that the bank is closed so I can’t go in physically- grr), and I’m probably getting evicted from my house in like, a month (and having to pay a month’s rent + advertising costs….. argh!). So things are pretty messy I guess. There’s a strong possibility that I’m going to be homeless/couchsurfing with friends for a while. Rule of thumb kids- if you move to a new city, don’t get a place with someone you’re dating! Even if you’ve lived together before! A new city means that you change a lot, and gosh I know I sure have. And circumstances change. And before you know it, you’ve got 4 months left in a lease and you’re stuck in a house with three people who despise you. And you’re poor.

Seriously- student poverty is a bitch. I get so jealous when I go to uni and see all these fat rich kids who can afford to buy delicious looking noodles and bubble tea or, y’know, anything. I ate a $2 can of chickpeas from Foodworks the other day with a plastic spoon because it was the only thing I could afford. I’ve lost so much weight since moving here that it hurts to sit down, ’cause I don’t have enough junk in the trunk anymore. I get really cold all the time, even on sunny days, and I bruise really easily- it’s ridiculous. I have so many bruises. Totally rockin’ the ‘domestic abuse chic’ thing.

On a less desperate sounding note…. I made a friend at uni! My first. Woo hoo.

One thought on “On poverty, share housing, etc.

  1. Hope things smooth out for you. ^^ Wow, you seem like a really strong person, if I were in your situation my ending statement would be something like “this hell will never end!” – which, from experience, is never true.

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