Numero Uno (Candy)

Hello all – Candy here, the latest addition to the First_Year@UniMelb blog! Smiley faces all round! 🙂

You know, I kinda just realised today is Friday. The fact that there’s been no school-like structure for 3 months has resulted in my having no concept of time. I’m hoping uni will help me remember how it feels to get to the end of the week and actually be excited!

Seeing as this is my first post, it’s probably best I provide you all with a little insight into little ol’ me and the kind of things I’m into. So, starting with the basics…

I’ll be studying Arts at Melbourne, this being my one and only wish ever since a UoM spokesperson gave a talk at my school in 2008. I had already wanted to go to Melbourne, but this really sealed the deal for me…or perhaps it was the free pen. But anyhoo, point is: I am mucho excited about the fact that it’s finally here – I can’t wait to get as involved in uni life as I possibly can!  

I think the one thing that really defines me is my love of anything and everything from the past – classic music (The Beatles, Crowded House, Queen, INXS), films, literature… not to mention my obsession with Volkswagen Kombis that is exactly that: a serious obsession, bordering on disturbing. The goal is to one day buy either the classic red-and-white split model, or one in mint-green. Or maybe both? I’ll have to get to that applying-for-a-job bizzo.

Not really into sports, although I do love tennis – watching that is, not playing. I thought I was good at netball, but sadly that was short-lived…although tripping people up stopped the opposition from getting the ball, so perhaps I can claim to be athletic after all? 😉

I have an amazingly special – but so far not properly recognized – talent: daydreaming. You can put me anywhere, and I will successfully zone out. Don’t get the wrong idea: I don’t just start daydreaming any chance I get! But I am able to get through sweltering heat and noisy surroundings, all with the power of my mind. Told you it was amazing. 😉

Ummm…that’s basically it. For now, anyway. I’m sure by the end of this year, what with all the clubs on campus, that I’ll be unearthing some more interesting talents and hobbies! Hope you enjoyed this quick intro, and I can’t wait to meet everyone!

Remember before how I was saying I have no concept of time? I basically wrote this Blog over an extended period (YouTube has a way of bringing out my inner procrastinator) and have NOW just realised Friday is over in 3 minutes. Happy Soon-to-be-Saturday, everyone! I’ll leave you with today’s instalment of my absolute favourite comic strip, Between Friends!

Between Friends: Friday 18th Feb, 2011

5 thoughts on “Numero Uno (Candy)

  1. Hey Candy! Nice to meet you, I’m Silvia. Daydreaming is a skill that takes yonks to perfect and it sounds like you have it down pat! Love the comic by the way, I read that one after Garfield in the paper 😛

  2. Hi Candy! Nice to meet ya! Wow…at least you put your day dreaming skills to good use…I on the other hand…am able to day dream yeah almost anytime too…walking…sitting…eating…yeah and even studying…haha…gosh…that’s really bad for me… 😛

  3. Hey guys, nice to meet you too! 🙂
    @Silvia: I have to admit, I’ve become a bit of a comic junkie lately. It’s my new wasting-time method…no good at all. :S
    @Aina: I think perhaps we need to start up a club devoted to embracing the awesomeness of daydreaming, what do you think? 😉

  4. I’ve always been a manga/anime fan, and yeah, I suppose it is quite a waste of time when you add up all the minutes 😛 But the thrill of it! Nah, something like that isn’t a waste of time, it’s a way to boost creativity! 😉

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