Looming… (Candy)

Sooooo, tomorrow marks the beginning of O-Week, and I’m equally excited as I am nervous. Let’s just say causing awkward silences is my forte. So while the thought of socialising with strangers causes my mouth to involuntarily snap shut and my vocal chords to stop working, I know that at the end of the day EVERYONE is in the same boat, and there will be plenty of smiling faces to help calm the nerves.

I’m just still trying to get over how fast uni has gotten here – I don’t think the time really flew by so much, but the fact that it’s here, right now, is just…well, it’s a tad surreal, seeing as I’ve been waiting for this point in my life since I developed a severely bitter relationship with high school (towards the end of Year 10, I think it was). And like I said, social situations do unnerve me quite a bit – but if it’s anything like Academic Advice Day, by the end of tomorrow I’ll be feeling right at home. 🙂

I wrote up a little plan for each day, so I know exactly where I want to go. In terms of clubs and societies I definitely want to sign up for the Book Club and one of the theatre groups, and I’ll probably be hanging around the Farrago stall like a bad smell. 😉

The LMS has been really interesting to browse through – you see the due dates for the semester’s assignments and you suddenly realize… uni involves WORK. I’ve been so focused on the uni lifestyle and co-curricular opportunities that it’s easy to forget the reason we’re here is to undertake a degree. 😉 The way my timetable is set up doesn’t make it look TOO strenuous though…aaah, gotta love Arts. 😀

All in all, it’s going to be pretty awesome – I can just feel it, and (as soon as I dropkick those nasty feelings of anxiety) I can’t wait to get out there and mingle, mingle mingle! I’ll definitely be keeping a mental tally of UAS (Unforced Awkward Silences)…so we shall see how that goes. If any situations are at least mildly cringe-worthy (and I’m sure there will be quite a few) I’ll most definitely be sharing them here, for your entertainment. 😉

By the way, I think I might try accompanying each of my posts with a related comic. As I was writing this I could see the following Between Friends strip in my head, so who knows? It would definitely be a fun (and no doubt time-consuming) exercise. 🙂

10 thoughts on “Looming… (Candy)

  1. Hey, as a second-year blogger I’d like to say welcome! I was really worried about the social-atmosphere of uni before I started, since changing schools hadn’t been one of my favourite experiences in life, but it turned out that making friends at uni is (although more haphazard) a really awesome experience. You’ll see. Wishing you all the best!

  2. Thanks 🙂 It’s nice to hear that it’s not as scary as one might anticipate… I guess what I like about uni is that, unlike school, there really is no pressure to form this solid friendship group ASAP. So maybe the more relaxed atmosphere will trick me into being more outgoing than I thought I was! 😉

  3. Hahaha, the comic really fits in with the situation! Moving with the herd always works 🙂 Awkward silences are the worst, but I try to gauge what other people are thinking. I learned from experience that if you feel like you want to talk to them, chances are they feel the same way. So just mention something random, like: wow, that girl’s shoes are hot. I’m a fan of shoes 😛

  4. Do you have any friends you already know going to Melbourne? You could just stick to them and commandeer their new friends as your own 🙂

  5. @Silvia & Amy: I’ll be taking both your tips on board. So Silvia, if you hear anyone using those exact words, you’ll know it’s me. 😉

  6. If I hear anyone say that, I’ll definitely yell out: Candy, it’s me, Silvia from the blog!!! I hope you won’t be too embarrassed 😉

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