The Language of Laugh (Benjamin)


Okay, so today it became apparent just how rusty my French is having not spoken the language for a few months.  Went to the French lunch where we were welcomed and so forth in French.  Then something about the ‘Euroball’ was said.  I was translating for my friend, and in my slightly deluded state of mind, assumed that Euroball was some sort of variation of European Handball, and was full on explaining the rules of the game to my mate before it was kindly pointed out that the ‘Euroball’ is actually like a social/party/dance/extravaganza/thingy.   So I was only completely wrong.  Oh floor, why don’t you swallow people up at the right times…  Make like a cell membrane and be partially permeable.  Okay, that one doesn’t really work.

In other news, my weighty decision to buy most of my textbooks today resulted in my bag being a casual twenty kilos heavier than usual which was fantastic.  A great deal of heaving and groaning ensued shortly thereafter, attracting the bemused looks of nearby students and me staggering about with my back on about a seventy degree angle to my legs.  And yes, the pain was rather ‘acute’.  I know that joke was a bit obtuse, so forgive me.  It would appear that I found a new way to ‘get fit fast’ whilst simultaneously encouraging premature back pain/hernias.  I am now quite familiar with Newton’s Fourth Law: ‘Thou shalt not have a mass exceeding ninety kilos owing to your most onerous load lest you wish to have the semblance of a discombobulated fool’.  (Look at me waxing eloquent, when the sentence is probably grammatically null).

In a bio prac today, I was once again faced with the harsh reality that science involves drawing pictures; in other terms, art, the bane of my existence.  My drawing skills haven’t improved much since I was in Prep.  Consequently, my diagram of a cell appeared to have the likeness of an egg sunny side up.  The hunger induced decision to draw a coffee and bacon was hastily abandoned once it became clear that the sheet needed to be handed in.


Hope everyone had a good day.






2 thoughts on “The Language of Laugh (Benjamin)

  1. They are indeed! Thanks Jessica! And welcome to the blog 🙂

    Do you have another nicknames that I can refer to you by?

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