The honeymoon phase (Jessica)

is over.

We all know the phase, those first two or so weeks of pure bliss where everything seems to be perfect. For Uni it was the days off, endless food choices, freedom of choosing to attend (or not to attend) lectures and not to mention the plethora social events that happened almost every day of the week.

However we’ve hit week three which has left us using our days off to work, asking Mum for lunch money due to insufficient funds,  being continuously a week behind in all lectures and using all other free time to study. I cannot deny that this situation is the exact position that I find myself in right now. I’m working a ridiculous amount each week leaving little time to relax, I anxiously wait to be paid each week to support my ridiculous eating habits and as noted in the last post am still a week behind in all my lectures. Not to mention the various assignments being due in the coming weeks! I think I’m just about ready to drop out and hand in my CV at McDonald’s.

I was discussing with my friend K Ho about this proposed theory of “the honeymoon phase” and we concluded that it is in all its entirety a real and almost sad result. How we all long for the Utopia that is the honeymoon phase, where all is within our reach and nothing seems impossible. I sit here now in the silent study area of the library, wondering where to begin tackling the four assignments I have to do in the coming weeks. I don’t necessarily feel stressed but I imagine a haphazard mental breakdown isn’t too far away.

Undeniably, I have found the transition between school and Uni somewhat difficult. I suppose after being force feed everything in school I became a little too excited at the freedom offered at Uni. It’s all a learning curve and things can only get better from here!

On a somewhat lighter note I’ll be off to Aa (Australasian Association)  Camp this weekend! As per usual with me bags have not been packed, sustenances have not been purchased (by sustenances I mean alcohol and rice crackers) and the only thing I have done is organise costumes for the themed parties each night (I’ll post pics when I return).

Word of advice to all who will listen/read, don’t be me.

Until next time,

Jess x

2 thoughts on “The honeymoon phase (Jessica)

  1. Jess don’t worry! We’ll all be okay, just got to keep on plodding along. The Mid semester break isn’t far away now 🙂

    Have fun at your camp!

  2. Hi Jess, if it helps, we can tell you that what you’re experiencing is very common in transition to uni – in fact, we use that same diagram to illustrate how people’s feelings tend to go! You’re right, things will get better so hang in there and remember that if you need any help, there are plenty of people to ask – we can point you in the right direction if needed 🙂

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