Hang in there! (End of Week 11)

Hey all!
This is just a quick post amidst the final assessment and exam period to say good luck with your preparations!
I will definitely write a more in depth post about my first year experience at uni after my final exams and assessments 🙂
I have one exam at the REB, one take-home and two projects due in the assessment period. How is everyone else’s timetable looking?
I’m sad that my time on the first year blog is coming to an end! I’ve had an amazing time writing for you all and reading everyone else’s posts.
Exciting news – I have applied for the Diploma of Languages in French! Hopefully I get selected, and I have worked out with the Course Advice department how to structure my degree (it can be confusing when your major and minor take up some of your breadth subjects)!
Chat soon and good luck,
Bella 🙂