Hello from the other side (Adele) (Raphael)

Hello from the otter slide!!

Hello everyone, do you still remember me? I’m very sorry that I haven’t posted for aggeeesssss but semester started to get crazy towards the end and things started to feel like the end of VCE all over again. Assignments were due, exams were looming (and happened) and I didn’t feel like I had the time to sit down and write a nice post with so many boxes yet to be ticked on my educational to-do list!

My intention with this blog was to keep you up to date on how my semester was going as I was navigating the transition of Uni, because that’s what I found most interesting reading myself last year as a year 12 student, so that’s why I’m disappointed my blogging dropped off in the last few weeks. But I can report that I managed to pass (as far as I can tell) all my exams and finish the biggest, most insane, most full-of-learning 3 month period in my life! Hello from the other side of it!

So, how was it? There probably aren’t enough adjectives to describe the nature of these past months going to Parkville every day. I’ve entered a brand new environment, made so many new friends, learned how to work in a new educational system and started my journey into the rest of my life. I got a little bit (read: a lot) overwhelmed with all the work back there for a bit, and was hating things during the exam period, but the feeling now is unbelievable! It really feels like life is happening, I’m on the right track, and I can have such a more balanced life now in comparison to the past years.

Just consider this, all of you stuck at school every day; I’m done for now. I have no study to do this holidays. And the holidays last 5 weeks. Uni really does feel like a pathway to adulthood to a more professional, flexible and balanced way of life. I’m hoping to find a part-time job this break and start saving for the future (including a potential exchange opportunity?)

I now understand (a bit better) how Uni works, that for 12 weeks you have to buckle down, get organised and ready and prepared for the wild ride. I promise myself to be more on top of everything next semester, in order to have more time to explore the campus, sit down and write blogs for you all, and to just stand back and realise what a good place I’m in at the moment.

Happy mid-year break,

Raph 😊

Next time: I’ve got a few great posts planned for the break, including How Uni works, what it’s like, my experiences on the Destination Melbourne camp in January and details about some specific subjects I took in semester one.

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