Hurrah, hurrah! Oh, wait…(Silvia)

Yes, I’m ecstatic! My timetabling troubles are OVER… for this semester, at least.
But I managed to fit all my classes into lovely slots (though Wednesdays are going to be a killer) and I even have a day off, yay! Even better, I’ll have time for lunch. No-one misses lunch. It’s the best meal of the day after dinner.

I was worried about my timetable because I had a clash… and really, I didn’t get much help. The guy on the phone bounced me to the Student Centre and the lady there told me to wait till the international students started signing up so more classes would be available. But yes, everything worked out so it’s fine now. And sheesh, I was worried because I was the only one of my friends who had a clash and I was facing the possibility of giving up my breadth D;
AND WHO WOULD WANT TO GIVE UP THEIR INTERESTS, HUH?! If I ever meet someone who was crazy enough to let go of something they loved doing, I’d give them a good slap in the face.

But no more depression now. It’s over!

Oh wait, but I still have to find a job, uni and all, food and such expenses. Somebody tell me, why is it so hard to find a job? I thought employment rates were going up. I guess I did read that quite a while ago. All the employed people have taken up the vacant positions and left me with nothing. I contribute to unemployment rates. I’m a statistic. I’m going so far in life. My parents must be so proud.
Yes, that was sarcasm if you didn’t pick it up.
Let me tell you, this stuff is horrible.
“Stuff? What stuff?” you ask me.
“Job searching,” I answer. Putting yourself out there and hoping a stranger will call and make you an offer. It’s not a nice wait and the anticipation sucks.

And the employers! Bah!
Those monsters from hell see your resume and they imagine your eagerness, your shining, beaming face and excitement to provide quality service. They sneer at your naivety and your inexperience and hurl your resume into the paper shredder, slashing your hopes, your dreams and most of all, your potential job.
They don’t even have the decency to send you an automated email saying: “Sorry, you failed.”
On second thoughts, that’s actually pretty decent of them.

Still Doll 
Here’s one of my favourite songs. Hope you enjoy~

Today was such a ramble. I sincerely hope I’ll have something better next time.

7 thoughts on “Hurrah, hurrah! Oh, wait…(Silvia)

  1. People are mean. I hated searching for a job. Those people behind the counters with their smug ‘ha-ha-I-have-a-job-and-you-don’t-and-I-can-so-just-throw-this-resume-in-the-bin-when-you-walk-out-the-door’ expression on their face.
    Good luck!! 😛

  2. I know exactly what you mean! And I know people who actually do throw resumes in the bin when you walk out. Not nice at all! Thanks, I hope I find a job soon 😀

  3. Oh bummer about the job hunt, i really dont like doing that!!! I have to get one sooner or later, damn my expensive habits haha, but that doesnt have to happen for a while, i worked in a supermarket for 3 years with bosses that hated me and thought i knew nothing!!! damn that makes me mad, but they had it coming when the place went bankrupt haha last laugh for me, no thats mean….. I hope all goes well. I recomend cafes, they normaly want someone

  4. Own3d: I love that part of the song! Creepy should be my middle name >:)

    RoyRogersMcFreely: We all have those things we wanna buy *sighs longingly* haha, those poor bosses, sounds like karma came back to bite them in the butt! Cafes are good ideas, I’ll definitely take a look, thanks! 😀

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