Ramblings of a sleep deprived First Year… (Adeshola)


Hope everyone had a great weekend and are in the swing of the new week. Hard to believe it’s Week 3 now! Time has gone ridiculously quickly!! Although, perhaps that is because as an Arts Student my week is condensed into 3 days. So instead of having to push through ‘hump day’ Wednesday, that is my end of the week and then I say hello to a lovely four day weekend. Ahhhh gotta love the life of an Arts student, all 12 contact hours. Although that’s not to say that we do no work. In fact, I’m overwhelmed with uni readings at the moment which is keeping me busy as well as assignments which are creeping up on me, with a couple due in next week.

Orientation is now well and truly over and I feel like I’m a ‘real’ Uni student now and not a Year 12 traipsing around an unfamiliar campus. Tomorrow we have a peer mentor program which is meant to give us time to ask a current student questions we may have about First Year. Looking forward to finding out what it’s like and meeting some new first years. However, on a more exciting note, Washington is performing at Union House tomorrow which I am super excited for! And what’s better? It’s free! And who doesn’t love free music accompanied with delicious FREE sausages and drinks!?

And in other news, me and my friend Ali finally got round to purchasing a locker today at Union house (located in the Basement) in hope of relieving some chronic back pain we have been suffering due to carrying around our laptops and heavy textbooks on our backs all day. I highly recommend getting onto it if you’re feeling your back just can’t quite hold the weight of all your books. They’re a decent size too so it’s a lot cheaper to share it with a friend. Only down side is, after being told the number of our locker we scurried down to the Basement of Union House all excited to see what it would look like and then scanned the locker numbers only to discover it is a bottom locker…. Feels like year seven all over again….





3 thoughts on “Ramblings of a sleep deprived First Year… (Adeshola)

  1. Bottom locker is where it’s at! I think I actually had the bottom locker every year. It was made especially memorable one year when my mate dropped his bible on my head along with half his books.

    By the way, could I borrow your four day weekend? Sort of needing it at the moment 😛

  2. Not really! Ouch!! I’ll have to keep my eyes open when I’m kneeling down…. Nope sorry, I don’t want to swap it for your Science hours 😛

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