The Fledgling First-Year (Juliet)

Is it bad that I already feel a little behind in all my subjects? Probably. Then again, Uni is kind of funny in that everything’s a bit open-ended. It’s the third week and I’m gazing at my subject notebooks, wondering what content I should tackle first, and to what degree of efficacy my studying will actually be. I’m telling you, almost three months of holiday has left me devoid of actual studying skills.

Another excuse to procrastinate would be to gratuitously list The Things I Could Be Doing. I could be looking over my biology worksheets and making sure I grasp the amounting content – irregardless of the niggling feeling that I should’ve taken biology in Years 11 and 12. I could be reviewing the integrated rate laws of first order and second order reactions and actually practising the chapter questions instead of glancing over them dismissively. Let’s not mention the fact that most of the formulae in Experimental Design and Data Analysis kind of scare me. I mean, everything looks cryptic!

There is a point, however, to this incessant ranting, so I hope I can cover some ground before the free food calls (more on that later chums). All of this uncertainty and lack of direction and feeling-like-I’m-having-an-out-of-body-experience is reminding me that there is an Academic Skills Unit just a hop-skip-and-a-jump away. These wizards of the essay-drafting, efficiency-inducing, highly-proficient Mary Poppins variety have your back. I’ll certainly be paying them a visit sometime this semester.

Another important point is that I could always go see my lecturers or tutors with questions I don’t understand. My EDDA lecturer is probably, quote “the nicest guy you will ever meet,” and provided I can find him during his consultation hours, he will likely explain away the cryptic-ism. Or I could go to the Chemistry Learning Centre which is based in a seemingly unassuming building with ridiculously groovy interiors (as Emily mentioned last time), and find someone that will explain that incorrigible question.

Let’s just say, help is definitely there if you and I need it. And I’m definitely going to be hunting down some answers this afternoon and tomorrow. From now on, I think I just need to get my act together and really invest in my subjects. Ultimately, I’ll be a happier human being if I do.

On that note, there is much I could say about the abundance of food on campus, but I will leave that to another time. I legit went through last week not having to use my wallet because I benefitted from free lunches at various club meetings and activities. This may not be the case once the post-O-Week highs have died down, but I’m enjoying it while I can. I’ve found the clubs and societies great, and the food is just an added bonus.

Did I mention that our EDDA lecturer also brought us Haigh’s chocolate? I die.

Here’s to a wholesome week you guys!


2 thoughts on “The Fledgling First-Year (Juliet)

  1. Hey Juliet,

    I agree – I think uni is based fundamentally on being proactive on our own learning. You’ve actually really inspired me to use the many resources the uni especially all the workshops run by Academic Skills. I’ll probably be needing them for my essays later on in semester…

    And don’t worry I think I’m falling a little bit behind as well. But I guess its normal right? Haha

    Have a great week!

    1. Emily! I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling that way. Though by now we’re kind of easing into it 😀 Have a wonderful rest of the week and hopefully I can catch you sometime 🙂

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