Thulululsday. [nicola]
Thursday consisted of waking up at the unearthly hour of 5am, only to miss my bus and have to catch a later one at 6:43am. Guess what. Found out that I just make it in time for 8am by catching the later bus! Score for a 30min sleep-in! Most of the Chem tute was spent talking to the guy next to me about soccer and how we don’t understand anything (when he obviously did). Then I spent about an hour talking to the same someone in the ‘silent’ part of the library, getting evil looks from the studious genius’ around me.
Next was a 3hr lab for Chem where we were synthesizing aspirin, though myself and the person next to me became drastically behind when we forgot to put filter paper in the filter – and were pushed out of the labs ’cause everyone was finished and we were the only 2 left! It was tempting to take some of that aspirin, but would have probably killed myself in the process.
Comprehending that I was almost 20mins late for a management tute I rushed over to the old arts building, lab coat flailing, only to realise that my tute was in the arts centre. Meh. Same thing. Deciding that I wasn’t one to quit while I was ahead I walked into the tute 1/2hr late. We had a debate about decision making (our team taking about 10mins just to make a decision about who was going to debate for us in the first place) and after getting verbally slaughtered rocked up late to a 3hr Bio prac where amongst other things we were solving a murder mystery using forensic biology. I solved the case in 5mins. Go me. This was partly helped due to fore knowledge of the answer…the conversation in the library was helpful.
After that I was supposed to meet some friends from church, but having forgotten the address made a bee line to the Rowdy to hop on the computer for a second or two to grab the address, got the addy and couldn’t find the place anyway and was walking up and down the street for awhile, before bumping into my cousin who happened to be going to the same place 🙂 Missed out on various social events that was being promoted at uni on those big column things, but I don’t care – had a faaantastic evening.
So yea, that’s the 101 on what happens on a Thursday for me. It’s probably not a useful/entertaining piece of information – but it gets stored there with facts like ‘the only king without a mustache in a deck of cards is the king of hearts.’ Just thought you’d care to know.
How are you feeling about this physics assignment due tomorrow? I am not feeling very good, infact, I feel downright sick.