I reckon .. [ASH]

I reckon its insane that there are 493 Pokemon. Back “in my day”, there were only 150 – and it was huge when 151 (Mew) came out.

I reckon the lifestyle of university is so different to school – and I love it. But the choice to skip lectures is like offering free money, its so hard to resist. 

I reckon Melbourne weather is so damn confusing. Do I dress for rain or 27 degree weather? Howabout both.

I reckon living 1 hour 20 minutes away from Uni is, quite frankly, an ass.

I reckon it can be pretty daunting to go into a room and not know a single person, but you’ve got to remember that everyone is feeling the same way! And everyone has come into uni expecting to make new friends, so make the first move! Then you’ll meet friends of friends and then suddenly know like a bajillion people.

What do you reckon? =P (I feel so .. like .. cheesy for writing that. Like this has become some sort of corny B-grade promotional advertisement on SBS for an unknown pet store that was shot with a digital camera and edited in Windows Movie Maker.)

I reckon I should go now.

5 thoughts on “I reckon .. [ASH]

  1. I’m guessing you still remember them all? (Pokemon and People?)

    Meeting people is fun!

    I should probably go too.

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