
  1. Check-In Time #10 – the mystery of recess week

    2:05am, Singapore. At this point, I have no hope in my sleep schedule anymore – there’s never a day I sleep before 3am, let alone 12am. Even during recess week which is supposed to be for relaxing. Good news is that I just cleared an assignment, so the main priority for this week is down! […]


  2. Check in time #9 – one more check in till the 10th one!

    1:08am, Singapore. Yeap, evening again, in classic Charlene style. (I just downloaded Grammarly by the way, not sure why it wasn’t there earlier as I had Grammarly way back but here it is back again!) So… this would be the most grammatically correct check-in time! 😉 How’s everyone doing? End of Week 4 huh… the […]


  3. Check In-Time #8-a half asleep rambling

    2:42am, Singapore. Currently doing some boring administrative things such as clearing my inbox. My, it has been a long while since I last blogged- I daresay it has been more than a month already. I originally wanted to do a blogpost for Lunar New Year, since I celebrate it in Singapore with my family. However […]


  4. Check-In Time #7- trying to find the missing piece this year

    1:59am, Singapore. Just finished keying in timetable preferences. I tried to tell myself that I will post something here either in the morning or afternoon, so to make it seem as if there’s some variety. But who am I kidding, I am a night owl (as can be deduced from my last post) and gets […]


  5. Check In Time #6-some tips that helped me survive the semester

    2:02am, Singapore. I’ve been meaning to post something here to wrap up the year– just that in my last post it didn’t seem like the best time to do so as it was really early on in the month. I was thinking of going to sleep after wrapping up work for today, but I know […]


  6. Check In Time! #5 (mainly ramblings)

    11:16pm, Singapore. The weather has again been getting cold lately, and it’s making me feel really lethargic. In fact, I’m having many brain fart moments right now when typing this (it took me 10 minutes to get out these two lines, I kid you not. I’ve just been observing my 10 guppies and neon tetras […]


  7. Check In Time! #4 (with a lot of random life updates, and musings about the semester with friends)

    2:06am, Singapore. I should not be awake at this hour– there’s no need to anyway, submissions are over for me and what’s more, I have a hair appointment early next morning (deciding to highlight my hair brown and cut my fringe, something which I have never done. Let’s see if it turns out to be […]


  8. Check In Time! #3

    1:36am, Singapore. I have just finished an assignment not too long ago, had a long chat and replied a long overdue email. I technically have 2 zoom calls scheduled for tomorrow late morning, and a couple over the weekend as well– ranging from interviews for school stuff, job related calls (will be starting a new […]


  9. Check In Time! #2

    9:37pm, Singapore. It’s recess week! Hopefully, that means more time to relax and catch my breath. Somehow, it took me really long to get down to writing this post. Maybe being frequently distracted by Youtube and Tiktok played a part, but another reason is due to me not knowing what to blog about. Ever since […]


  10. Check-In Time! #1

    11:06pm, Singapore. I have just spent the past 5 minutes watching an ant crawl on my room wall… what a great use of my time. As a Singaporean, I would frequently complain how hot the weather is due to our tropical climate. These few days, it seems to be raining non-stop. Can’t understand why, but […]


Number of posts found: 11