Category: Social, personal & family life

  1. Rocking and Rolling (Benjamin)

    Yo, Welcome back everyone, to uni, school and study.  It has been a good old break, but it really is good to jazz things up by getting into the swing of things.  The (four four) time to remember the purpose of our brain is now.  However, the best thing about uni is that it is […]

  2. Back to the gallows! (Jessica)

    I’d firstly like to start off by saying that I am oh so proud of the group of bloggers we have! We all post so regularly, so it is great to always have a new post to read. Anyway, back to main point of this post. Yes, I did refer to University as the gallows. […]

  3. "This has gotta be the good life" (Jessica)

    I quote the wise words of OneRepublic and without a doubt can say, this is definitely the good life! Been a long long time since my last post and that may be because I am way too caught up in how amazing these holidays are! They’ve been filled with impromptu flights, road trips, camping, seeing […]

  4. Feeling the zen…. (Adeshola)

    So I’m writing this post in bed with a cup of tea and thinking how much I adore the Winter holidays. Summer’s great for the excitement, the hot weather and the endless array of outings, music festivals and beach days, but Winter is lovely to simply stay warm and not do much else. Being on […]

  5. Post exam post? (Adeshola)

    Semester one of uni? Check, done, finito! It’s finally complete over. No more readings, no more feelings of guilt every time I log onto Facebook, no more assignments or exams! We’ve finally reached the end of Semester one. SWOT VAC was quite honestly, horrible. If, like most first year students you were attempting to cram […]

  6. Procrastination Post (Jessica)

    Hello one and all, I know it is the middle of SWOTVAC. I know I should really be studying right now – but I need a moment or two to relax my noggin’ before my head literally explodes! This past week of SWOTVAC I’ve found myself at Uni more than I was during the semester. […]

  7. Just a quickie (Jessica)

    Hello readers/other bloggers/Transition and Orientation staff/etc, Just a quick little update before I get into an intense study session in the Ballieu library! The lovely KHo reminded me that I haven’t updated in a while, so I thought better get cracking and feel like I am contributing in some way. As many have stated, exams […]

  8. it's the final count down ~ jane

    Exam’s are almost upon us *dun dun DUN!* Blazing fastt. There are only 2 more weeks left of lectures/tutes/pracs and all of that before one week of SWOTVAC (Study without teaching vacation) – which is basically, one week of study by yourself, no school D; I will literally be living in either Bailleu or Brownless […]

  9. Settled in…now to study (Jane)

      To me – it seems like it has taken me a VERY long time to really get settled in, only 3 weeks left until the end of semester classes, SWOTVAC and exams and I’m feeling the academic stress start to load up. For much of the first half of the semester, socialising was priority […]

  10. As Adele would say… (Jessica)

    “I set fire to the rain” (in hopes that it would somehow stop it) (insert: semi relevant cartoon) Side  note (idea borrowed from Emily) Why did no one ever tell me that  Uni becomes a flood zone when it rains???!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Hel-lo everybody (I read that in the tone of Dr. Nick from the Simpsons) Hope the […]

Number of posts found: 416