Category: Uncategorized

  1. After (Rick)

    I slacked off for a few days after my first two exams, and went home for my brother’s birthday and helped out with getting ready the food and cleaning the house. When I came back I properly got back into study and read through my Introduction to Programming text book. I had that exam on […]

  2. – {Insert Title Here} – (Jeremy)

    DID you ever hear the story of the man who left the rainforest and travelled to the desert, to look for a tree? Or perhaps the story of the woman on the beach, searching for a shell to put to her ear, so she could hear the ocean? You probably haven’t, because I just made […]

  3. My story so far. In response to Sophie’s philosphy (Jim)

    I absolutely agree with ur comment except the last line. The meaning of life is to never be forgotten. i dont like that line, sorry. I follow another philosphy, learned from the book, “tuesday with Morries”. Everyone should read that book. It is an inspirational and entertaining book. Basically: love community, family and have a […]

  4. I got a lot of livin’ to do, and I ain’t got no time to waste! (Sophie)

    EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night I was so beyond-words-happy. Throughout my management exam instead of time to go, I thought of essays to go until vacation!!!! (Funnily enough more motivating than distracting) I am thrilled to finally get a chance to relax. It hasn’t quite hit me yet, and I’m still in high-stress mode….but tonight […]

  5. The Agony and the Ecstasy (Jeremy)

    I have one confession to make; despite playing AFL, I am also a soccer fanatic. I am one of those people who went into mourning when SBS lost the rights to the English Premier League to Pay-TV, I am one of those people for whom the A-League seems to have managed to breathe new life […]

  6. Bright Side of The Road (Sophie)

    I just wanted to share something that really inspired and touched me the other day; particularly as I think of the circumstances that eventuated. It was the dedication Sue Fear (the moutain climber) wrote in her autobiography “Fear No Boundary”. “To Young People, be who you want to be.” Reading those words made me think […]

  7. On Being A Total Nutcase (Jeremy)

    Sometime late last year, I was sitting in a small room located somewhere deep within the monolith that is the Engineering department with the lovely, helpful Ms.Stevenson-McBride (NOT like that, you filthy, dirty perverts), sorting out my enrolment and subject choices for not only year 2006 but also in terms of the rest of my […]

  8. Super Smash Study Melee (Rick)

    SWOT Vac: -Monday for getting prepared. * -Tuesday for mucking around. ** -Wednesday for some hardcore study. *** -Thursday a break from hardcore study. **** -Friday to make up for the break and the party we are going to tonight. ***** * You know – washing, buying food, cleaning my room from the dust etc. […]

  9. Woe is Me (and anybody who has to deal with me) (Johanna)

    The last couple of days have been a massive reality check. Whilst I was spending my days making sure my throat was warm/moist/clear/limber enough to sing those sky-high notes and completely avoiding the fact that I am probably going to fail two subjects and lose my scholarship.. well, after my audition, it all hit home. […]

  10. Come sail your ships around me, And burn your bridges down (Sophie)

    Nothing like a bit of Nick Cave to pick you up in a dark moment – okay, perhaps most would take that comment as sarcasm, but in truth I adore his music and find it uplifting despite its dark edges. I have just been listening to “The Weeping Song” and “The Ship Song” – two […]

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