Super Smash Study Melee (Rick)

-Monday for getting prepared. *
-Tuesday for mucking around. **
-Wednesday for some hardcore study. ***
-Thursday a break from hardcore study. ****
-Friday to make up for the break and the party we are going to tonight. *****

* You know – washing, buying food, cleaning my room from the dust etc. that gets on things and vacuuming the floor.
** You know, playing Super Smash Bros. Melee on the GameCube with other people. Doing homework for an hour and a half for the day.
*** Now we’re into it. I made sure I knew all the trigonometric definitions and identities, and derivatives.
**** Had a break, thus more playing of Super Smash Bros. Later I had a tute and got to understand thermal physics properly.
***** Did a lot of study this day. Went to a housewarming party later of some close friends from high school.

The party that night was quite good, with about 25 people. It was great to see people from my old school and also catch up with my close friends. I decided that I would catch the 5:15 train in the morning back home, but fell kind of asleep at about 3:30 on an undersized couch for sleeping on and caught a 6:15am train instead. This way I was able to get back home and have a good sleep in my own bed.

I managed to not feel tired on studied for a fair while on Saturday.

I had my physics exam on Tuesday, and somewhat enjoyed it. Unlike normal exams we had for question 7 (I think) two part (c)’s. I much preferred the exam than to our mid semester tests; they are just done too quickly, with no time to settle in. These had me reasonably fearful of the exam, but it really wasn’t that bad. I thought it would be my hardest, I was wrong… (not too wrong)

Wednesday brought the great maths exam. I was able to do what I understood well but didn’t quite know a few of the technical words they used, and thus lost a little there. Still felt good about it thought. Now I’m looking forward to my two much easier ( I expect) exams. Yey!

I must say that obviously not everyone felt the same. There were about half that weren’t happy, some were just like ‘meh’, others found it ok, and a few found it quite good. Most people just feel glad their over. But after each exam I spent about half an hour talking to people, having a laugh, joking about the exam. Also I notice that if you take a bag it could be quite a while before you can collect it after.

Later that day I went to the Rowden White Library to watch some flash animations on Newgrounds from their last two months of daily top fives. (I only watch the ones with interesting names.) I spent about an hour and a half there before deciding to go home.

Finally, that night I watched the end of ‘The Return of the King’ and joined a dozen dental students in our games room who had three weeks till their next exam. I had one girl telling me I wasn’t drunk enough to sit with them, trying to get me to drink faster, while the others were telling her to calm down as they’d paid for the drinks. (They’d started several hours ago.) I spent about an hour with them which included a rather disturbing discussion on holding stuff in. It was also quite interesting to hear how things are for dentistry students, such as the fact they really get to know each other quite easily as they share all the same classes. This also has the consequence that they don’t get to know so many people outside of their subjects. I’ve found that I do know quite a few people from different courses, and from them met other people, including science students, who aren’t enrolled in any of the same subjects.

Speaking of parties, the 22nd of June brings the Science Students Societies end of exams party, which is apparently huge each year! I know a few people who want to go, and if I didn’t know if anyone was going, hell, I’d go anyway coz I’m sure they’d be someone there. (In the worst case, I can get right out of my comfit zone and speak to some people who look like first years, not that it would matter too much if they weren’t.)

2 thoughts on “Super Smash Study Melee (Rick)

  1. Nice to FINALLY bump into you after the Maths exam… yeugh, Maths exam. That tastes a bit like a swear word. Let’s just say that I tried to compensate on the questions I knew well for the ones that I had no idea on.

    I’m definetely going to try to go to the SSS after-exams thingamy. To be honest, whilst exams aren’t a huge deal to me (after all, it’s first year and there’s war and famine going on elsewhere in the world) it’s always cool to knock them off and I am VERY much looking foward to kicking mine heels up. See ya there bro; jez

  2. nice to hear from u Rick. I begin to suffer in the last2 days bf exams. Bloody hell. Could not enjoy it until the end. Anywya, hf in the holiday.

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