I got a lot of livin’ to do, and I ain’t got no time to waste! (Sophie)

EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I was so beyond-words-happy.

Throughout my management exam instead of time to go, I thought of essays to go until vacation!!!! (Funnily enough more motivating than distracting)

I am thrilled to finally get a chance to relax. It hasn’t quite hit me yet, and I’m still in high-stress mode….but tonight my friends and I are getting away down the coast for a night or two of major chilling out which I’m very excited about!!!!

I’ve convinced D to drive which is good because he is the only friend whose driving I (and J) trust!!!! Lol.

There is so much I need to do during the next few weeks. Tonight I will probably start my “list” of everyone I have to meet up with, dinners I need to organise (I’m throwing a dinner party in a few weeks), dinners I need to attend (the Political Interest Society annual dinner), events I need to organise for the PIS, movies I want to see (I haven’t seen a movie in 3 months!!!), the selling of certain items of clothing I’ve never worn (My Sass n Bide jeans)…..and so so much more!

J’s flying over to Perth today which has fitted in well with the fact I’m going away, so that worked out perfectly.

Right now I have Nina Simone’s “I Shall Be Released” blasting – this song GOT ME THROUGH EXAMS!

I better run and start organising for today…

On a side note though….has anyone noticed what someone has written in chalk on the entry into the outside corridor of Old Arts near Wilson Hall??

On the left hand side on the beautiful stone arched entrance-way it says “Breathe….”
One the right-hand side it says “…Tomorrow

Have fun everyone!

5 thoughts on “I got a lot of livin’ to do, and I ain’t got no time to waste! (Sophie)

  1. How lovely! Wish I could be so social.. alas, fate conspires against me! Saturday the 24th, I have been invited to my cousin’s 21st, a glorious Bohemian house party in Parkville, a wild fun fest in Ocean Grove, and I have to some how fit in my Matthew’s birthday suprise!

    Breathe.. tomorrow! So appropriate.

  2. Oh you poor thing Johanna. Oh how you suffer! (grrr)…
    Anyway… yeh I did notice that chalk writing near the courtyard in Old Arts, and whilst it’d perhaps be a little more accurate on the Exhibition Building it’s still pretty apt! I hope the Uni leaves it there to be honest.
    See ya at the dinner party (conjures up image of me in bow tie and tuxedo) … I’ll bring the lobster! (Oh fine… I’ll bring you-know-who instead…) :-p

  3. Glad u are having fun.
    However i feel emptier but hopefully this will be replaced by fun time soon.
    Is the PIS fun to go to? I am a member too.:) but never had time to go. Do they discuss political issues? Is it easy to participate in discussion (big group meeting? vs small gathering??) I will come to pis soon.
    Have fun
    well earned rest

  4. Johanna, the social events coming up for you sound fabulous!!!! Bohemian house parties are so much fun! And birthday surprises – my favorite!!!! That reminds me…J’s birthday is coming up in less than a month; I have to figure out what the hell I’m doing to surprise HIM!

    Jez, I’m glad you noticed the chalk writing. I hope the Uni leaves it there too. If anything, I hope I can pop into uni this week and take a photo of it…just for memories…little inspiring things like that helped me get through that last few weeks. Can’t wait to meet your special guest. xoxox

    Jim, I hope you get the chance to have some fun during the vacation. DEFINITELY come along to the PIS next semester! I can’t believe you’re a member and I haven’t met you yet. I’ve written a few posts in the past about the meetings. Yes, the point of the Political Interest Society is to discuss politics….so that’s how the meetings go. We sit in a big circle and the President will lead the discussion; focussing on both international and domestic politics. It’s great fun. If you have something to say, you just say it. Everyone is pretty good about listening to different opinions. I thought it would be really scary speaking up…but it wasn’t that bad because people take what you say with respect. If you want, I can give you some invite details about the Annual Dinner which is on the 27th of June if you want to come along and meet a few people. It’s being held at a popular cafe in the city and should be a very easy going, relaxing dinner. Let me know if you want more details and I’ll email them to you. 🙂

    Thanks for the comments everyone,


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