Category: Uncategorized

  1. Holidays begin!! (Simone)

    The sun is shining, St.Kilda are playing Melbourne in thirty or so minutes (hence will probably win for once!! – touchwood though…), and the assignment-free, exam-free, week of (coffee) drinking, catching up, shopping, dancing?, movie watching, chocolate eating, all beckons. Holidays are upon me, hallelujah!! Winter has never looked so appealing. I know you’re absolutely […]

  2. I have 60 hours to finish (and kind of start) two assessment so why are people talking in the silent study areas?! (Victoria)

    Ohk, I admit, maybe seeing Gatsby yesterday instead of working on my take-home exam for Reason wasn’t the best idea, but knowing how much work I had to do I figured I’d be safe doing it today. Figured I’d trek up to level 3 of Bailieu and spend the day up there doing it. Figured, it’s […]

  3. Exam week is sad. Nuff said. (Simone)

    Taking a pit stop to write for you, here, folks. I lie. My pit stop is procrastination. But you knew that, really, didn’t you! Let’s disguise this post as a much needed ‘break’ from study, rather than a delay in beginning my take home exam for Power, ahem… Found myself a little bit overwhelmed with […]

  4. EXAMSs… (Kiryll)

    Hi guys! As I was studying for these upcoming exams I realised a study technique that I should have been using that would have cut down revision by 40-50%. The figure isn’t  verified by actual research, but I really think it will work. Cramming works to an extent. Especially if one has a week to […]

  5. "At uni, you will have loads of free time, won't have to study, and will spend every night out at bars getting crunk with your new mates", they said (Simone)

    A friend’s dad recently remarked, ‘Oh, you’re doing Arts, pfff! So that means you’re spending every night out at bars getting sloshed!’ Ahem, no, not really! For some reason a lot of people seem to think that uni students, especially Arts, are always out at crazy parties, but I’ve done a mini-survery of my fellow Arts […]

  6. I wish I could afford to procrastibake like I did in high school. (Victoria)

    By which I mean I don’t have he funds; screw what I can afford academically, I’ll still find a way to procrastinate. So here we are in swotvac. My last class was Wednesday so if I was a good student I would be knee-deep in studying right now. But I’m not. I have, however, visited […]

  7. Pre-exam doom: 6 ways to get studying (Simone)

    As we near the chaos and turmoil and cramming of exam/assignment time (if you didn’t realise this already, I’m really sorry to be the one to say that it is week 11, and looking at that exam and essay timetable is now a necessity. Sigh.) I thought a few handy hints on just getting the job […]

  8. Stop- Don't say that it's impossible because I know it's possible. (Victoria)

    It’s Eurovision weekend and I’ve been thinking about the concept of a “Guilty pleasure”. I’ve never felt guilty about things I enjoy. I got home yesterday to find a friend watching Project Runway which he stated was a guilty pleasure. I’m not a fan of the show, but I watch plenty of crappy (read: brilliant) TV […]

  9. Before O-Week and after Y12, I set out some high goals to achieve this year in uni (Kiryll)

    To upend the cliff-hanger, I didn’t quite meet them. Because, what’s more comfortable: making reams of notes or watching The Matrix? Like a helium balloon, my élan fizzled out to trudge the smudged line between staying afloat and sinking in a hedonistic quicksand. Last week during a 3 hour break between lectures, I perched my […]

  10. My little lightbulb moment (Simone)

    Lately I’ve been pondering my various possibilities and aspirations for the future. God, that sounds deep, hey?! But I promise you, I don’t mean to be corny and write a rambling post declaring myself to have these absolutely marvellous life plans where everything is mapped out – like in those movies where the girl decides […]

Number of posts found: 1217