Category: Uncategorized

  1. Serendipity (Benjamin)

    ∑±FOIHREQ ≥∞ !!! Sorry, you just startled me right there by clicking on that link and opening this blog.  I wasn’t quite ready for you yet as I was putting the finishing touches to a couple of things.  But anyway, hey!  I’m Ben’s brain, nice to meet you too. When I’m not busy thinking of […]

  2. Student elections, major dilemmas and the long awaited break (Adeshola)

    We’re more than half way through second semester. In fact, eight weeks in and the scary thought that second year looms upon us not too far in the distance has popped up. It’s been awhile since I last posted, as Uni has been quite hectic lately. Let me fill you in with what has been […]

  3. Me :) (Monique)

    Hi everyone, I haven’t posted in a while because I have three 1000 word essays due on the 14th of September, as you probably guess, I’m thrilled :’(. I’m going to bring a serious tone to this post, this was really hard for me to write and I debated with myself whether or not to […]

  4. Plodding along (Benjamin feat. David Guetta and Bowser)

    Greetings y’all! I am aware of the fact that this is a late blog, so apologies for that.  Have had plenty of assignments, Midsemester tests and work to entertain myself with lately (and when I say entertain, I mean that in the loosest sense possible :P). A few weeks ago now, I was lucky enough […]

  5. Haven't seen you around here in a while (Jessica)

    Golly gosh, I hope my absence from our humble blog hasn’t made too much of an impact. Doubt it will since I don’t believe I have many avid readers at the moment! How is everyone doing? I’d love to hear how the Semester has been panning out for you all. So please update, comment, etc! […]

  6. A week called Prosh… (Adeshola)

    Last Monday morning at 10am I was dressed as a robot and marching into North Court of Union House. This is not how my Monday mornings usually begin, but this was Prosh Week. Let me explain for those of you who haven’t heard of Prosh Week (where have you been?) or didn’t have their lectures […]

  7. Musings of a First Year University Student (Benjamin)

    Hello there!  How are things everyone?  Well, Semester Two has well and truly begun with assignments, tests and study galore, which is rather frustrating seeing as the Olympics are on.  True, the reruns are on the tele at Union House but I haven’t really had the time.  Good to know that the MX doesn’t have […]

  8. Sickness, Greek Gods and Camp, oh my! (Monique)

    Hi! So I said I’d try to post once every two weeks, but then winter term started, and as everyone knows, in winter everyone becomes an infectious disease machine. I literally have not had one lecture or class go by, without someone sneezing or coughing (admittedly most of the time it was me 😛 one […]

  9. When I grow up…. (Adeshola)

    As a University student hoping to become a journalist, I’d like to think that print media is far from ‘dead’. Ironically, though I type these words to be published on a blog. Most recently was the Fairfax saga in which it was announced that hundreds of jobs would be cut from newspaper giants ‘The Age’ […]

  10. Rocking and Rolling (Benjamin)

    Yo, Welcome back everyone, to uni, school and study.  It has been a good old break, but it really is good to jazz things up by getting into the swing of things.  The (four four) time to remember the purpose of our brain is now.  However, the best thing about uni is that it is […]

Number of posts found: 1217