Plodding along (Benjamin feat. David Guetta and Bowser)

Greetings y’all!

I am aware of the fact that this is a late blog, so apologies for that.  Have had plenty of assignments, Midsemester tests and work to entertain myself with lately (and when I say entertain, I mean that in the loosest sense possible :P).

A few weeks ago now, I was lucky enough to get the chance to be an Open Day guide at Melbourne which was awesome fun.  I got to represent the Transition & Orientation Department with Kathryn and Ron, as well as a final year student Shu-Ling which was absolutely fantastic.  They are all great people, and it was lots of fun talking about the blog and the transition from school to university with lots of young, aspiring people.  So if anyone from the open day is reading this, here’s a shout out to you!  And once again, don’t give up with the studying, you’re almost there!  Exactly three months from now (less than that even!), you’ll be, as Dumbledore aptly put, ‘Emptying your brain’.  So don’t do that now! 🙂

Just reflecting on study habits and diligence, make sure you are able to eliminate distractions.  For me, it’s food 😀  Like, I eat to live.  I plan my studying around eating.  I eat when I’m hungry.  I eat when I’m eating.  I eat if something looks edible.  It can be bad though.  Seriously, I’ll have a break to get a ‘snack’ without even looking at what I’m getting.  I’ve become aware just of what it is exactly that I am consuming.  It mainly consists of chips, sugar, bread, chocolate and fruit, not very healthy aahaha.  My conscience rests easy knowing that I am totally not deluding myself from the fact that I am still growing

It is crazy to think we’re almost up to the mid-semester break!  Tempus fugit when you’re having fun (and ridiculously busy!)  The other week, I was part of the mighty Dodgeball team ‘The Prickly Pears’, donned in ridiculous apparel, to raise funds for the Student Appeal, which helps those who struggle with the financial side of university, a good cause to support.  It was crazy fun and we ended up winning!  No Cactoblastis to be seen! (Had that joke planted for ages) 😉 

In other news, I have refused to watch the football lately, just because it’s so heartbreaking to see my team, Melbourne, constantly face defeat.  My heart breaks every time they lose, so much so that I reckon I could get a few horocruxes going by now 😛

University is going well at the moment.  With only a couple of weeks ‘till the mid semester break, it is very tempting to take one’s foot off the accelerator, but let’s all keep plodding along, some future chillaxation is in sight.  I’m going off on a tangent here, but man Melbourne’s being extra specially good with all its sun and everything.  It’s certainly a welcome change from all the rain and wind.  But it’s not very nice when you can’t fully enjoy the day because of study 😮 Ah well, that’s what the holiday is for!  I love Spring, although I do shudder at the prospect of losing an hours sleep soon due to daylight saving.  This year I refuse to be sprung and oversleep, I absolutely refuse to!

Oh yeah, if you guys remember that Markovnikov’s rule song I did for Chemistry, our lecturer was kind enough to give us all vouchers to the book store at uni which is totally awesome 😀

In comparison to last semester, it seems that at least in the subjects I’m doing, all the assignments have been done much earlier which is a welcome change.  Although this semester’s been top heavy with regards to the work load, I much prefer it as it means that the last few weeks of semester are less stressful.  I’m enjoying the subjects I’m taking at the moment, maybe because I’m trying to be more organised and proactive, or just because the subject content is more interesting.  I try to make it fun too but have to resist the urge to make life punny.  Once in an assignment asking a question along the lines of ‘What will happen when a parachute is opened?’, I talked about the glories of cross sectional surface area and drag.  I found the question a bit drab and had to steel myself not to write: ‘the parachute increases the cross section area, with a larger cross section area increasing drag.  Therefore, bigger is better, refuting Yoda’s First Law (‘Size matters not’).’  Was very tempted to include this until I learned who would be marking the assignment and the likelihood of them having watched Star Wars.  We all have to ‘force’ ourselves to do things sometimes, that is a good example of that 😛

­­Well that’s it for now.  In future I will try do less infrequent, long blogs and keep you guys up to date with shorter, more frequent ones. 

Happy Father’s Day!

Peace out,

Benjamin x




3 thoughts on “Plodding along (Benjamin feat. David Guetta and Bowser)

  1. Ben! Sounds like uni is going well for you. Definitely also felt that assignments came up sooner rather than later. We need a bloggers catch up!

  2. I applaud you for your use of numerous puns, if I could integrate them as well as you I might suggest a ‘pun off’ 😀 Perhaps a Harry Potter quote off?? Im glad your finding this semester easier 🙂

  3. @ Adeshola: It is indeed, thank you! Yes, we certainly do! Perhaps after the holidays?

    @ Monique: Ahaha, thanks ^^ A pun off would be my absolute pleasure, but you have been warned, I can get really into it 😉 A Harry Potter off sounds wicked!!

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