Category: Uncategorized

  1. Decisions, decisions, decisions. \(º □ º l|l)/

        Well, I couldn’t get back soon as I had promised. I’ll admit, I was drowning in the sea called Assignments and it certainly wasn’t pleasant. Furthermore, my first winter here has been too kind, so I decided to go on hibernation for a week, occasionally responding to my mom’s messages letting her know I’m alive […]

  2. Dear Diary, welcome to winter break!

    Hello everyone, Lia here, your resident SpiderPig. Congratulations! You made it through the first semester. Or if you’re starting mid-semester…. Congratulations! Welcome to Melbourne University! Today marks 4 days since the last day of exams and let me just say, thank god it’s over. However, that being said, I’ve been on holidays for two weeks […]

  3. Hello nerds

    Helloooooooo readers! My name is Sunnie, and I’m a first year student at the University of Melbourne. Gah!!! It sounds pretty awesome to say that.   In opposition to the mainstream UniMelb student, I am studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Southbank campus, majoring in Screenwriting. Yes! That is a thing you can […]

  4. Should you learn a new language at Melbourne Uni?

    Hey guys! So it’s only been about *checks watch* 5 months since I last posted, and I’m all about breaking records, so I think I did well! How’re things? The metaphorical kids? Great! Anyway, I thought I’d talk to you a little about what it’s like learning a new language at Uni. It’s something I […]

  5. Campus activities & Me

    Hi all! It might seem strange to be reflecting on uni life at this point of the semester, but I can’t deny, that’s what I’ve been doing. In the thick of semester two, I’ve come to realise what sorts of things have made an impact on the kind of uni student I am becoming. In […]

  6. “BETTER LATE THAN NEVER” doesn’t work at the end of the semester!!! (MICHAELA)

    Hey fellas! Whatsupp! How’s your SWOTVAC week so far? Has it been nice? Well, I hope so! Cause a new week’s greeting us in a few days – It’s EXAM WEEK! *drumrolls* This is the time where everyone just gets more tense and “worse” (in terms of looks – oily hair, lifeless eyes, and breaking […]

  7. Are you a slave to procrastination??? (Tharidi)

    Hey guys! After talking with my fellow first year peers (…and occasionally eavesdropping on conversations…) it seems like most of us have sold our souls to the influential force that is: PROCRASTINATION!!! So is this post going to give you helpful tips to study effectively? Will it outline alternative ways of studying that will keep […]

  8. SWOTVAC and Procrastination (Fine Arts)

    Again. Not representing entire faculty :L just me. #responsibleblogger #misleading titiles FIRST COMES THE CAUSE: This is a post. On procrastination *says I as I proceed to close le Netflix tab with The Paradise episode 5 playing* mmm *coughs forever* So…Recently, depending what you consider recent…I was subtly (depending what you consider subtle) grilled about […]

  9. Studying? I don’t know her… (Tharidi)

    Hi all! Semester’s nearly over and an influx of exams and assignments are approaching. Need an effective study spot? I was reflecting on the 11 weeks I’ve experienced on campus and these are the locations I would recommend: SYSTEM GARDEN The tranquillity of nature will lull you into thinking that everything is okay, which is […]

  10. Wild READING appeared! (Tharidi)

    You have 24 hours to find the reading for tomorrow’s tute. You never bought the course reader. You said it was a waste of money. Every other reading was online. This one would be too. You got cocky. The reading’s not online. You’re screwed. Or, maybe not. You search the reading on Discovery. You’ll be […]

Number of posts found: 1217