Tag: Tips

  1. Obligatory Introduction (by your girl Pepper)

    It’s Week 3. Without indulging in excessive preamble: I find introductions tedious. Nothing I tell you about my favourite band, hobbies, or various other cute tidbits are going to inform you on whether you’ll like me as a person, or enjoy my company. But an introductory post is by definition introductory, and I am perfectly […]


  2. To be understood?

    I’m putting off revising Linear Algebra in favour of pacing my room like a weather-beaten 53-year-old detective. I’ve been reflecting on the year every single waking moment, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s been a fascinating year; a lot of things, ranging from elating to excruciating, were not on my bingo card. So, […]


  3. And that’s it!

    The end of week 12. Holy crap. When I started my first tutorial all the way back in February I couldn’t even imagine getting to the end of my first year of university- 1/3 of the way through undergraduate. Then on to bigger and better things! Hopefully! Anyone else got a huge crunch for exams? […]


  4. Moving out of home! To a new country!

    Hey everyone, Amy here! Today’s topic will be moving out of home and adapting well to a new home and a new life! I am personally from New Zealand so that’s about three and a half hours to four hours plane ride away! At first it was incredibly daunting moving to a new country, but […]



    Ah, and so tomorrow begins a new semester, same subjects (…kinda), same campus. There’s a mid-year intake, ja? New people! HI NEW PEOPLE! I HAVE TIPS FOR YOU. – wait until after the first week to sort out whether you actually need to purchase the textbooks. it says you should buy them, but this mostly […]


  6. Hot and quick is how I like it.

    *clears throat.* No seriously, go invade the food co-op and eat some pies. THEY ARE AWESOME. WHY DID NO ONE SAY THEY WERE AWESOME. I HATE EVERYONE. PRECIOUS MONTHS HAVE GONE BY IN WHICH I COULD HAVE BEEN EATING FOOD CO-OP PIES. 1st Floor of the Union House people. Go there. That is today’s revelation… […]
