Alfred Plumley Derham: soldier, medic, poet, ANZAC

Geoffrey Laurenson – Professional Library Cadet
Georgina Ward – Assistant Archivist

The story of Alfred Plumley Derham is one of a young medical student who showed great steadfastness in the face of the day-to-day realities of World War One: boredom, tough living conditions, separation from loved ones, crippling injury and illness. The letters and diaries of A.P. Derham include both detailed description and poetic reflection, and give great insight into the experience of war and landing at Gallipoli. They also feature personal moments, including his engagement to Frances “Frankie” Anderson while on active service.

Studio photograph A.P. Derham on leave from France, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,608
Studio photograph A.P. Derham on leave from France, 1916, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,608


Derham was a fourth year medical student when war broke out in August 1914 and suspended his studies with the hope of enlisting.[i]  In a letter to Frances, he told her that on enquiring about joining the Army Medical Corps of the 5th Australian Infantry Division he was told that it was “full up and 4 men over”. Derham persisted, and recalled that  “by smiling sweetly however I managed to persuade them I was an invaluable addition.”[ii]  In a letter dated 16th August 1914 Frances responded to the news of Alfred’s enlistment with encouragement, but was clearly conflicted, adding “that altho’ your going will hurt me as it will hurt Ruth, I wouldn’t say – don’t go… I honestly don’t believe I am afraid of dying – or death, tho’ I find it hardest to extend this feeling to the people I love”[iii].

At this early stage of the war, Frances had already read about the events on the Continent in the newspaper, and was clearly opposed to the widespread enthusiasm and rush to join up, conscious of what it meant for the families involved “Alfred I have had to read all the war news aloud to Mrs Bromley …. now I have to wade through all the awful details and they together with the Patriotic concert, have sickened me. I can’t help thinking of the feelings  songs & martial music & bugle calls awake –  contrasted with the grim awful details of the morning paper & of the millions of wrecked homes – to think that each of these soldiers has a mother, wife and sister, is loved as you are – perhaps.”[iv]

Alfred and Frances Derham on their wedding day, 10 July 1917, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,564
Alfred and Frances Derham on their wedding day, 10 July 1917, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,564

After enlisting Derham was sent to Broadmeadows Camp, located just outside of Melbourne. While there, he was given duties as “orderly subaltern”. [v] The waiting took its toll and he reported being in a “state of intense boredom.”[vi] The 5th Battalion shipped out on the HMAT Orvieto (pictured) on 21 October and Derham was one of the 1,457 men and women on the ship, which represented a large portion of the Australian contribution to the war effort. [vii] The Orvieto arrived in Alexandria around 7 December 1914, described in detail by press correspondent Captain C.B.W. Bean. [viii]

"Us" marching aboard the Orvieto, 21 October 1914, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,642
“Us” marching aboard the Orvieto, 21 October 1914, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,642


Derham shaving, c. 1914, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,692
Derham shaving, c.1914, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,692

Bean also described the arrival of Australians at Mena Camp later that night in dramatic terms, emphasising the striking scene made by “Australians from Gumtree Flat and Dead Horse Gully, from Murwillumbah and Sea Lake and Prahran and Surry Hills, camped right amid the tombs of the Pharaohs.”[ix] As was the case at Broadmeadows, waiting at Mena Camp made Derham uneasy, who commented that “life will drive us mad with monotony before we have been here many weeks.”[x] Several months after being deployed from Broadmeadows, Derham was clearly restless when he complained “we all shall be intensely disappointed if we return without going to the front or seeing service here.”[xi]  On 5 April, the Battalion marched out of Mena Camp bound for Cairo Station “ten miles or more and quite trying on hard roads with extra heavy equipment”, and from there they took a train to Alexandria. [xii] After arriving in Alexandria, the 5th Battalion embarked on the HMAT Novian, a transatlantic cargo ship requisitioned for the war effort, bound for the island of Lemnos.[xiii] The 5th Battalion spent two weeks in Lemnos carrying out drills and practicing landing procedures before setting out for Gallipoli.


Route march down "Cass" Valley, c. 1914, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,640
Route march down “Cass” Valley, c.1914, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham collection, 1963.0024, BWP30,640


Officers of 5th Battalion, Mena Camp. c January 1915, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Collection, 1963.0024, BWP/30,582. Alfred Derham 2nd row, 2nd from right
Officers of 5th Battalion, Mena Camp. c.January 1915, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Collection, 1963.0024, BWP/30,582. Alfred Derham 2nd row, 2nd from right

Derham’s time in Gallipoli was eventful, and is recounted in a memoir sent to Frances in late 1915. The memoir was written well after the fact, with a poetic detachment that often belies the danger and horrors witnessed at the landing at Gallipoli.  Showing his naivety, Derham recalled in the days leading up to the landing, while on manoeuvres around Lemnos, “see[ing] the snow capped hilltops of Samothrace and Imbros and further to the right on the far horizon the dim land near Gallipoli, the land of our adventure.”[xiv]

On the 25 April, Lieutenant Derham and his platoon landed on the beach at the southern end of ANZAC Cove, and they soon took cover against nearby cliffs. With barely time to form up his men, Derham was ordered to place his platoon with A Company and locate troops in need of reinforcement. Although Derham had been on active service since August 1914, the experience of the ‘front’ was something new to him. Derham later reflected that after the landing “I myself had got over my nervousness at that time and had not yet begun to feel the fear which knowledge brings”[xv], foreshadowing the terrifying realities of the battle to come.

The perils of the situation soon became apparent, in the form of heavy resistance from the Turkish defenders. Although a sense of danger is present in Derham’s diary, it is framed through distinctly poetic language: “It was a beautiful day – we were out of danger from shrapnel behind a hill and the rifle and machine gun bullets were singing softly and harmlessly over our heads, sailing out with the summer sea like humming bees.”[xvi] Other accounts of the landing at Gallipoli paint quite a different picture. Private Ray Williams wrote in a letter home that “it was terrible to see the boat loads of lifeless boys that got mowed down without touching shore. The gunboats kept playing their big guns on the shore forts and batteries.”[xvii] Another wrote that “the Turks did not fire a shot till we were close in shore, then the whole place became a perfect hell with rifles, machine guns, artillery, and shrapnel bursting.”[xviii]


Sketch of Owen's Gully and surrounds, Diary 31st Mar 1915 - 25 Apr 1915, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham Collection, 1963.0024.0002, p14.
Sketch of Owen’s Gully and surrounds, Diary 31 Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Derham Collection, 1963.0024.0002, p14.

Lieutenant Derham commanded his platoon through the rough scrub and sloping  terrain toward the area that came to be known as Lone Pine. He made a sketch of this landscape showing key strategic positions including Owen’s Gully and a Turkish battery (pictured). Pushing on with the mission to reinforce troops in the firing line, Derham eventually joined with ‘C’ Company led by Major Richard Saker, another officer of the 5th Battalion,[xix] but there were “still no orders, still no firing line to reinforce, still nothing to do but lie and be fired at (badly thank heaven).”[xx]  Rather than wait for further orders, Lieutenant Derham advanced his men in two short rushes in the direction of Owens Gully. [xxi] During this movement he received word that Major Saker had been wounded.  Derham returned to Lone Pine to assist, but was hit through the left thigh by a Turkish bullet, “bringing me down like a sack of flour.” [xxii] Derham later recounted this incident in a dry, clinical manner: “I found that my whole left leg was paralysed – probably from shock to the Great Sciatic nerve. I felt it very carefully and found it was not broken as I had at first suspected so I started to crawl towards where I had last seen Major Saker – doing this power gradually returned and I was soon able to hobble along slowly and unsteadily but not painfully.”[xxiii]

It seems that Derham was not able to reach Major Saker, who later died on the battlefield at Lone Pine.[xxiv] Although wounded, Derham refused to be transferred from the battlefield until the 30 April, and his bravery and conduct during this time won him the military cross. [xxv] After recouperating from his injuries Derham resumed his service at the front, also serving in France in 1916, and returning to Australia to complete his medical studies at the University of Melbourne. During the journey back to the front in 1918, Armistice was declared.

Between the wars he worked in various medical positions around Victoria, was the director of the R.S.L. Children’s Health Bureau from its inception in 1933, as well as the Medical Officer of the City of Kew. In 1940 he left for Singapore as Assistant Director of the Medical Service, and spent time as a Prisoner of War in Changi with his eldest son Thomas during World War Two. The remarkable Alfred Plumley Derham Collection is listed and available on the UMA online catalogue

Frances became a key figure in arts education in Australia and was chairman of the A.I.F Women’s Auxiliary Prisoners of War Japan. Her extensive collection is also held at UMA


Medical students, Women’s Hospital Melbourne, 1917. University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Collection, 1963.0024.0003. Alfred Plumley Derham is far left.
Medical students, Women’s Hospital Melbourne, 1917. University of Melbourne Archives, Alfred Plumley Collection, 1963.0024.00012. Alfred Plumley Derham is far left.

For more details on other collections containing World War One material refer to the subject guide available from the UMA website

[i] A.P. Derham student record card, University of Melbourne Archives, 1991.0066, Unit 17

[ii] Letter 20/08/1914 to Frances Anderson, 1988.0061.0507, Frances Derham collection, University of Melbourne Archives

[iii] Letter to A.P. Derham, 16/08/1914, 1963.0024, A.P. Derham collection, 7/2/1/6/1, Unit 18

[iv] Letter to A.P. Derham, 1/11/1914, 1963.0024, A.P. Derham collection

[v] Letter 1/10/1914 to Frances Anderson, 1988.0061.0507, Frances Derham collection, University of Melbourne Archives, Unit 27

[vi] Letter 29/09/1914 to Frances Anderson, 1988.0061.0507, Frances Derham collection, University of Melbourne Archives, Unit 27

[viii] Australian Army the Troopships Arrive at Egypt – Greeted by Passing Ships – Night Scenes in the Canal. The Mercury, 5 January 1915, p.5

[ix] Australians in Egypt. Mena Camp Active. The Border Morning Mail and Riverina Times, Tuesday 5 January 1915, page 3

[x] Letter 14/12/14 to Frances Anderson, 1988.0061.0507, Frances Derham collection, Unit 27

[xi] Letter 14/12/14 to Frances Anderson, 1988.0061.0507, Frances Derham collection, Unit 27

[xii] Diary 31st Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, 1963.0024.0002, A.P. Derham collection

[xiii] Letters from the Front. Private Ray Williams. Riverine Herald, Saturday 17 July 1915, page 3

[xiv] Diary 31st Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, 1963.0024.0002, A.P. Derham collection, page 6

[xv] Diary 31st Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, 1963.0024.0002, A.P. Derham collection, page 10

[xvi] Diary 31st Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, 1963.0024.0002, A.P. Derham collection, page 11

[xvii] Letters from the Front. Private Ray Williams. Riverine Herald, Saturday 17 July 1915, page 3

[xviii] Letters from the Front. Gippslander and Mirboo Times 22 July 1915, p.2

[xix][xix] Australian War Memorial, Major Richard Saker., accessed 21/04/2015

[xx] Diary 31st Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, 1963.0024.0002, A.P. Derham collection, page 15

[xxi] Diary 31st Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, 1963.0024.0002, A.P. Derham collection, page 16

[xxii] Diary 31st Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, 1963.0024.0002, A.P. Derham collection, page 16

[xxiii] Diary 31st Mar 1915 – 25 Apr 1915, 1963.0024.0002, A.P. Derham collection, page 17

[xxiv] Australian War Memorial, Major Richard Saker., accessed 21/04/2015


‘We will help until the war is won’

During the anniversaries of World War One we reflect on the many aspects of war and its impact. As well as diaries and mementos of servicemen, the University of Melbourne Archives holds a range of material relating to work done on the home front to support those serving in the war. This took many guises, from women working, children participating in fundraising drives and communities rallying together to support the business of war.

Swallow & Ariell cart displaying goods made by the company's 'Busy Bees' c.1914 - 1918 Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd. Collection, 1961.0035, University of Melbourne Archives, p21,1
Swallow & Ariell cart displaying goods made by the company’s ‘Busy Bees’ c.1914 – 1918 Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd. Collection, 1961.0035, University of Melbourne Archives, p21,1

Swallow & Ariell, a prominent Victorian biscuit manufacturing company founded by Thomas Swallow in 1858, was one such business whose workers did much for the war effort. A group of female employees at Swallow & Ariell lead by Miss Elsie Holmes, established the ‘Busy Bees’, and worked with the Red Cross and the Lady Mayoress of Melbourne Patriotic League to coordinate substantial fundraising campaigns to send comfort and aid to the front.

Swallow and Ariell Patriotic Sewing Bee c. 1916
Swallow and Ariell Patriotic Sewing Bee c. 1916, Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd Collection 1961.0035, Uniersity of Melbourne Archives BWP/23,162

By 1880 Swallow & Ariell was producing 150 different lines of biscuits, and by the start of the ‘Great War’ in 1914 popular products were Arrowroot Milks, Coffee Cremes, Honey Jumble Cakes and Dudley Wafers. Along with shortbread, cigarettes and chewing gum, Christmas puddings were sent as part of 500 billies filled with Christmas cheer and 110 Christmas stockings made for the Australian Navy. Flannel shirts, knitted socks and children’s garments were made by an expanding group of volunteers to assist not only servicemen but also those in Europe affected by the war.

Christmas Hampers ready to be sent to the H.M.S. Sydney c.1914 - 1918, Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd Collection, 1961.0035, p19,1
Christmas Hampers ready to be sent to the H.M.S. Sydney c.1914 – 1918, Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd Collection, 1961.0035, p19,1


Swall & Ariell 'Busy Bee' baby garment stall c. 1916, Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd Collection, 1961.0035, University of Mlebourne Archives, p15,2
Swall & Ariell ‘Busy Bee’ baby garment stall c. 1916, Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd Collection, 1961.0035, University of Mlebourne Archives, p15,2

The significance of this work on the home front is found in the business records of the Swall & Ariell collection. Correspondence files tell of prisoners of war receiving packages from Melbourne via the Red Cross and Australian Christmas puddings enjoyed by soldiers awaiting action on small Greek Isles. In 1917 Sergeant Thos. Greenwood on the H.M.A.S “Australia” writes, “If you could only realise the amount of pleasure and lightheartedness that has resulted, you would certainly be assured that the enterprise was a monster success. That you and all your party of ‘Busy Bees’ may live long lives and very happy ones is (…) my fervent wish” (Letter to Miss Elsie Holmes, 1917, Unit 41, Swallow & Ariell Collection, 1961.0035, University of Melbourne Archives).

Christmas stockings bound for the Australian Navy, 1915, Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd. Collection, 1961.0035, University of Melbourne Archives, p19,3
Christmas stockings bound for the Australian Navy, 1915, Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd. Collection, 1961.0035, University of Melbourne Archives, p19,3

The Swallow & Ariell Collection has recently been listed at box level and the finding aid can be located via our online catalogue For more information on UMA’s holdings of material relating to World War One, refer to the subject guide,


Shipboard News Stories and much more in the Ritchie Collection now online!

Journal Pestonjee Bomanjee Convict Transport Shiboard Newspaper 28th April - 28 July 1852, 1974.0084.0175, Unit 2, Ritchie Family and Business Correspondence, 1974.0084, University of Melbourne Archives
Journal Pestonjee Bomanjee Convict Transport Shipboard Newspaper 28th April – 28 July 1852, 1974.0084.0175, Unit 2, Ritchie Family and Business Correspondence, 1974.0084, University of Melbourne Archives

The University of Melbourne Archives (UMA) wishes to express its appreciation to the Ritchie family for their generous philanthropic gift which has made the creation of online finding aids to the Ritchie family and business papers possible.

Contained within the papers of this well-known Western District pastoralist family are early genealogical documents dating from 1749; and diaries compiled by James Ritchie who founded the family business in 1841 and his brother Daniel Ritchie who wrote about his opposition to the slave trade in a diary he kept about his travels as a surgeon through the West Indies and Mediterranean.
Other records that provide insight into life during the nineteenth century are the shipboard newspapers which were the social media of their day. They provided inhabitants on long ocean voyages with an entertaining means of sharing, news about births, romances, travel tales, poetry, ballads and even a cautionary advice about the morality and perils of swearing.

These news stories offer us a unique glimpse into daily life on board a nineteenth century transport ship and colourful detail on places visited during the voyage, such as this account from a stopover in Madeira a small island located near Portugal. ‘Here all is sunshine, the green bananas with their feathery tops, the visitor he has bid farewell to Europe’.

There are 8 finding aids in total for the Ritchie collection and these can be accessed directly via UMA’s online collections database using the following links. To arrange a visit to read the records please contact our Reading Room which is located at the Baillieu Library on ph. 8344 6848 or email

Links for Ritchie collection finding aids:

1974.0084 Ritchie Family and Business Papers
1975.0115 Alan Ritchie Correspondence and Business Records
1977.0068 Ritchie Family Records
1984.0107 Farm Administration Records
1984.0122 Farm and Budget Records
1985.0083 Ritchie Business Agriculture and Investment Records
1986.0136 Ritchie Family and Business Correspondence
2014.0026 Alan Ritchie Family and RB Ritchie & Son Business Records

Locating, labelling and listing: the Locations Data Upgrade Project

As a substantial project approaches its culmination, UMA celebrates a number of benefits for researchers and staff and donors.

Due to the UMA Digital Finding Aids Project sponsored by the RE Ross Trust and the Locations Data Upgrade Project sponsored by the Miegunyah Fund, there are now 1520 lists of detailed (box or file level) collection data published in the Archives online catalogue – an increase of 60% since January 2012.

Recent months have seen the addition of 323 finding aids collated from the front of boxes of previously unlisted collections, as part of the Locations Data Upgrade Project supported by the Miegunyah Fund.

University records have been uncovered in previously unlisted collections such as the Melbourne University Film Society, University of Melbourne Department of Statistics, University of Melbourne Department of Fine Arts and a long range of minutes from the Melbourne University Student Union.

Black and white photograph of Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, 1895
Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, 1895, Photographer unknown, Australian Railways Union, Victorian Branch Collection, 1985.0097, OSBA/783

Some of the larger collections which are now listed at a box level include; the Patterson Family, with pastoral and mining records covering 1880 – 1923; business records of Repco Ltd. 1926 – 1980; editorial records for four past editors of literary journal Meanjin; Victorian biscuit manufacturing company Swallow & Ariell Pty. Ltd and 270m worth of material from the Australian Stock Exchange (Melbourne).

Two people seated in front of beach huts, Victoria, c.1925
Beach scene, Victoria, c.1925, Photographer unknown, Charles Edward Howlett Collection, 1990.0037, NN/2595

Unfortunately however, not all unlisted collections held data on the outside of each box, or with time the pencil notes faded or the 40 year old handwriting is illegible. These are the idiosyncrasies of archives.

The Locations Data Upgrade Project brings together many of the activities common and crucial to how collecting institutions manage their collections. Knowing where in the repository every single box of material is so it can be retrieved and transported for researcher use in the Reading Room may seem like a simple matter, but with over 18km of shelf space the logistics are anything but straightforward.

The outcome of the Locations Data Upgrade Project will see each box of material in each collection labelled correctly, stored with the rest of its collection, and its exact location on the shelf recorded in the database. Previously, the location of the range of boxes in each collection was known, but now each box is controlled. Better location data will support efficient retrievals, security and eventually online ordering of material.

There are also significant outcomes for reference staff, with the process of locating boxes in unlisted collections becoming more efficient. With staff having to travel to the repository and manually search the shelves to locate relevant boxes of materials for research requests, turning box data into a finding aid that is available online can save hours of time for staff and reduce the unnecessary transportation of material.

Further posts will reveal the depth of content that has become more accessible due to the Locations Data Upgrade Project.

Hartnett on the Road again in ‘Shifting Gear’

'The Harnett Tourer', Laurence Harnett, 1986.0124, University of Melbourne Archives
‘The Harnett Tourer’, Laurence Harnett, 1986.0124, University of Melbourne Archives

In March 2015 the National Gallery of Victoria will launch its exhibition ‘Shifting Gear’ which will showcase the work of many of Australia’s top local designers who contributed to the development of Australia’s automobile industry during the twentieth century. One such designer is Sir Laurence Hartnett who was a well known twentieth century industrialist who had been the Managing Director of the Australian firm General Motors Holden (GMH), one of the founders of the wartime Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation CAC and who designed the ‘Australian car that almost was…’ the prototype of the Harnett car. The Hartnett papers and other company collections which contributed to the Australian automotive story such as Repco and Shell can be found at the University of Melbourne Archives UMA.

One such story is the time Jack Brabham won the 1966 German Grand Prix in his 1.3 litre Repco-Brabham car. The engine was designed, developed and produced by Repco in Australia. In this same year Repco-Brabham cars gained four firsts, two seconds, three thirds and one fouth place and Brabham achieved his third world championship. The was the first non-European engine to win.

Contributors: Melinda Barrie and Sophie Garrett


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