Hearing histories of the western Pilbara: Dampier Rock Art
2016–2019 Hearing histories of the western Pilbara: Dampier Rock Art
Rock Art Foundation – Woodside Energy Pty Ltd
Sally Treloyn and Andrew Morrumburri Dowding (University of Melbourne)
The Hearing Histories of the western Pilbara: Dampier Rock Art project will research links between the rock art of the Dampier Archipelago and its song heritage, creating a comprehensive record of contemporary knowledge about the links between songs and rock art held by West Pilbara elders. It will build a world class, cutting edge online platform, underpinned by world-class design and interdisciplinary research, that will provide access to our research and support the Aboriginal community to pass on its song-based knowledge of rock art from generation to generation. The online platform will be an evolving record of the sung history of the rock art, linking the Aboriginal community with the Dampier Archipelago National Heritage Place. The project will identify, present and transmit, manage and research the National Heritage Values of the Dampier Archipelago benefiting the Aboriginal peoples of the region and the Australian Nation.
Steven Stewart and Andrew Dowding review map progress, 2018.