Just another manic Friday

Is anybody else loving this cold weather? It’s bringing back memories of big coats, gloves, scarves…. basically the best parts of winter. I’ve also really enjoyed sitting at cafes on campus and watching people trip and slip and step in puddles while wearing thongs. Silly people! My least favourite parts would have to be the constant runny nose and having to wake up before the sun is up, which is something I plan on making illegal before I die. I don’t know how but I’m going to do it for ‘others’, of course! It’s not a completely selfish motive….

I’m also happy because for once I’m actually tanned. I went to Queensland a few weeks ago and got a pretty awesome tan, I’ll admit it. Sadly it’s starting to peel but seeing as it’ll be winter soon, I’m not going to feel so out of place being as pale as a sheet of paper after it has peeled.

It’s been a crazy busy week, I’ve had about 4 hours sleep each night. Between volunteering for Oxfam, work, uni and volunteering for L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival I’m living on coffee and nut bars. They’re the only things keeping me from falling asleep while eating breakfast and drowning in my cereal. My grandma’s also in town for the week visiting some friends and so all of my spare time has been spent with her. My homework’s feeling pretty neglected.

Speaking of LMFF, I thought I’d update you all. It was so much fun. I volunteered for a few events last week setting up business seminars and packing bags, and I actually attended a show on Saturday night. I spent probably 2 months pay on the shirt I wore but it was worth it! Myself and my friend had our photos taken by 4 different (professional) photographers; one blog from California, one from Sydney, a magazine from NY, and the official photographer for LMFF. Okay, enough with the bragging!

The brand spanking new UoM Oxfam Group that I’m a part of establishing had it’s very first event; Close The Gap Day! It was yesterday and we had a table full of free goodies (tattoos, wrist bands, etc…) set up at Old Quad. We were planning on hosting it at South Lawn but it was completely washed out. We had so many nice people come track us down because they had seen our notices on Facebook and the Student Portal. It made my very cold heart a little warmer when people said they came because they wanted to help us achieve something. We’ve only been a group for about a month, we’re not even uni affiliated, and we already have people willing to come help us! It did make me think that maybe this will be a worthwhile venture and that we can actually achieve something.

All in all, I think it was successful. We got 200+ signatures from students across Melbourne University. Our main aim is to first create a presence for Oxfam and hopefully as we recruit more people we’ll have the resources to stage bigger events. But we’re completely realistic, this won’t happen over night. It’ll be a lot of hard work. Hard work that I look forward to. Nothing in life worth having is simple! Remember this! It seems to be a recurring theme on my blog entries.

As I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a train on my way to class. I have one lecture today that I can’t miss (well, I refuse to miss it). Being at uni 5 days a week have basically made my days and nights a complete blur. I can barely tell when one day ended and the next began. It’s good though, I prefer to be busy. But at one point I want a day off to catch up on this work I continue to push down my priority list.

I hope you’re all well, and being kept busy. With the news that Borders (my employer) is stopping redemption of all gift cards after April 3rd, I’m sure I’m going to have some funny stories of irate customers to tell you all on my next blog. I’m also due for a rather lengthy rant about the current political climate.