Wo-ah, we’re halfway there! (Bella)

Wo-ah, livin’ on a prayer!
I can’t believe we are at the halfway point of semester. I’ve been super busy over the past couple of weeks with tests, assignments, workshopping, and actually preparing revision notes BEFORE Swotvac this year.
Along with studies, I have been enjoying exercising more (good for the body and the brain!), social events, being (somewhat) organised, sub-editing on the blog Unimelb Adventures, and writing articles for the UMSU student magazine, Farrago.
For the next six weeks, I am going to start by cleaning my room – which is often my study space, too. An organised environment leads to an organised mind! I recently purchased the book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ and I’ll definitely report back on the said magic and its credibility, haha! I will continue exercising, and keeping up social/fun things as well as uni (but I might have to cut back a little bit – but hey, it’s only for 6 weeks!).
My subjects are going pretty well. I got back my first test result for French 7, and I was absolutely ecstatic with it! I was worried I hadn’t studied enough, but I must have. I’ll get my first psychology lab report grade back this week – wish me luck! I’ve had to do a bit of an overhaul with my idea for my final piece in Creative Nonfiction, but I am glad it happened in the first half of semester, rather than the second.
On a non-studying note, I have just discovered what is possibly my NEW FAVOURITE COFFEE, right on campus! It is the ‘Summer Blonde’ mocha you can purchase at Castro’s Kiosk, which is the cafe near the Physics Building, Elisabeth Murdoch and MSD. It is a white chocolate mocha with strawberry flavour. I’ll be consuming many of those as exams get closer and the weather gets colder.
I hope that everyone enjoyed the first half of semester,
Bella 🙂

One thought on “Wo-ah, we’re halfway there! (Bella)

  1. Love the sound of the ‘Summer Blonde’ I must try one. How did the clean up go? I’m the same – tidy desk = tidy mind. Good luck!

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