Part 3: College!!! (William)

Okay so most people think that being at uni is  boring and such which I guess is partly true for the people that live in the wonderful land of Melbourne and have to commute for hours on end each and every day….. Sucks to be them…. One of the most pleasant things I have found out throughout living in the wonderful land of Whitley college is the ability to wake up half an hour before a lecture and then slip into some clothing that is suitable for uni, or pajamas, whatever really :P, and then just trot off down Royal parade to uni. I actually don’t do this because I require a shower in the morning in order to wake up and stuff so I get up an hour and a half before hand… But still living 20 mins away at plodding pace is delectable :D.

Okay so this semester has been filled to the bones with stuff at college which is why no posts were seen by me really… Sorry about that :S…. anyway we have had lots going on. Now I recently came across the wonderful site of “Uneyclopedia”  (, now this site is full of just random and stupid stuff about near darn everything… BEST PROCRASTINATION EVER!!!.. Now! It is really funny to look at Melbourne uni on it :D, It has many funny things to say like the mascot is “The chick with the magnet and the wings, recently replaced by seagulls” and “It is common for Postgraduate students to enter super-saiyan mode and demonstrate their über-graduate abilities”..
Anyway there is a college section that lists all the colleges of the uni

The Holy Trinity. Was named upon the realisation that every resident attending usually had more wealth/power than jesus, god or the holy spirit (Anglican)

Academically Bleeding JCH (The chicken slice between Anglican and Uniting)

Expensive Ormond (Uniting – formerly Presbyterian, and dont ask them what happened in 92…)

Queers and Queens (Uniting – formerly Methodist)

Isle of Newman. named the ‘Isle’ so as to celebrate the virgin islands. Virginity being a popular choice for residents (Jesuit – Part of the Jesuit Elite training academy, commonly “Hello Newman”)

Uncreatively named University College (Pastafarianism)

1960’s prefab crap St Hildas College (Nobody knows what religion these guys follow. Finding out would involve actually speaking with them, whilst generally interaction is limited to sex with their females and throwing a ball at their males)

Christmas Island college (Whitley College), named as it is far away from everyone else and filled with the unwanted (Baptist)

International House, same as Christmas Island college except with even more foreigners

LOL I laughed so hard when I saw whitley’s…. I guess its kind of true that most people don’t exactly place it high on their preferences,  but I love it because of that, its small and a community where you know everyone… It’s totally friendly… Now we think that this entry was made by St. Marys because they aren’t on there so 😛 at them :P:P:P:P

But yes lots has been going on :D. I am the lead in our college musical “The Drowsy Chaperone”…. Mostly because its a non-singing role, but totally funny 😀 It is being performed in the Guild Theatre in Union house in August sometime I think, VERY LOW BUDGET so pretty much its just for fun, which is what WARTS (Whitley annual residential theater society) is all about so pretty much a bunch of college people just put on a fairly amateur performance just for the LOLs which is fun, but generally the leads can sing, which this year is a given, we have many talented leads, so it may be pretty cool… Plus I am on stage for the whole thing :D… Totally play a depressed guy that rants on 24/7…. But yeah its just a musical about a depressed guy (ME) who listens to his records whenever he gets sad, and this musical comes to life, and the audience gets to see all the weird and wacky characters come to life and get into awful situations, but yes LOTS OF FUN SO COME AND SEE, tickets should only be like 10-15 bucks 😀

We also had our fun filled college day this semester which is where we get our photo taken as a college… We also get a list of stupid things to do around uni throughout the day and if you do the most you win the “Joe Ridley” trophy… WHICH I WON THIS YEAR…. It involved such things as wearing our mascot suit to a lecture, reading a newspaper in a lecture, falling down a stair case and when someone comes to see if your okay you yell “STRANGER DANGER” and run away, yelling in the  middle of a lecture (Its in one of the Genetics 2000# recordings, one of my friends was listening to it because she was sick and she came to prac and asked if it was me :P), running and hugging a random (extra points for a longer run up)… So totally stupid fun stuff :D… And I now have the trophy (Which turned out to be a womens bowling trophy) in my room 😀



Yes my desk is very cluttered but oh well :D.. anyway so its also a fun tradition to play pranks on people, such as trashing their rooms on their birthdays :D… so it is frowned upon to break into someones room, but come on its for a good cause.. But anyway here are some of the things we have done to peoples rooms, note there are mostly a lot more 😀  but yes we filled up someones room with balloons which took I think 6 hours to blow up and much hysterical low Oxygen blood concentrations, and we also made confetti and chucked it everywhere… EVERYWHERE in someones room, like in the fridge, all the draws, EVERYWHERE. I know that people have also switched doors so peoples keys wouldn’t work and stuff like that, crazy stuff… But fun 😀

But anyway there has been lots of other events like intercollege stuff like trivia, sports, debating, public speaking, a theater night.. There was also and intercollegiate musical “Anything Goes” which was amazing :D, I didn’t audition or anything because come on, lots of very talented people from many colleges all doing it, only one person from whitley got into the chorus :D.. But it was an amazing night in the union house theater, much fun for everyone and it looked like they enjoyed doing it, amazing job by the female lead from queens, to pull of Reno like that is hard stuff…. I don’t know its hard to talk about musicals when no-one was there… But it was wonderful 😀

Anyway lots of other stuff happened that I really can’t be bothered talking about, like studying in the study room in SWOT vac (it gets crazy in there, like last year when studying Flora and Fauna, I made wings on myself with sticky notes and started pretending to be a bird)… but really that is most of the very interesting stuff 😀