Jobless No More – Phoebe

Week 8 already?! Time flies when you’re having fun (or more like insanely busy).

I’ve been crazily busy since the mid-sem break because… I’ve recently got a J-O-B! Yes folks, it’s true, I’m officially an employee!

I really like the people I’m working with, and I really enjoy payday (let’s be real, who doesn’t!) but what I really was not liking was how hard it was to adjust to a new routine.

I’m currently doing just over 20hrs a week, which I find pretty intense considering I’m still a full-time student studying four subjects a semester. What’s been hardest is realising that I don’t have as much free time anymore, which really means I have less time to procrastinate.

Though I’ve felt a little stressed about finding a balance between my social life, my study and my work, it seems to all be coming together. I realised that I just had to grit my teeth, stop complaining (I do this often) and get on with life. Also, doing my assignments, weekly readings, lectures etc. in a timely fashion has actually been a really helpful in maintaining a positive mindset and not feeling so overloaded.

And even though it felt hectic at the start, I have fully settled into my new routine, and all I have to say is that it is totally worth it. After being on the job hunt for absolutely ages, it is really rewarding to finally have a job.

Best of luck to those of you who are currently on the job hunt, and hope everyone has a studious yet enjoyable Week 8! 🙂
