Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Turn and Face the Strange)

Week 1 finished, and boy to be honest, I cannot wait until this week is gone. From what I can tell, changes has occurred once again. New timetable, longer practise hours, new schedule, new work hours, new everything. The one thing I’m most happy, and are most super welcoming that doesn’t change is the people around me. Seeing my friends, and MCM community made me so at home, and welcomed once again. I’ll probably cry internally (in a good way) when thinking how much of a small, close family we have at MCM. Although I see a few new faces, it’s nice to see someone from the MCM community.

From what I can tell you, I had an interesting week. Half of me says, “It’s a blast!” Then another half of me is not impressed. Oh well. What can you do? This will be a long post, but it will be worth it if you’re having a bad week.

Monday was a funny first day start. Woke up with 6 hours of sleep. Nek minute, when I was going to put my shoes on, my skinny jeans ripped down under. It made a loud ripping noise, which made me say, “OH. MY. GOD!” This was my reason why I was about 10 minutes late to my Aural Studies 2 tute. Yeap…

Having an anxious and wanting to freak out about recital preparation through on Monday, I went to have coffee with my friend during my “study” time after my Aural Studies tute. It made everything so much better.

Practised before Piano Class, went to Piano Class, and then ended up having the need to do something during Piano Class. I then try playing Pokemon Go. Nek minute, the theme of the game blasts off in full volume, during when my Head of Keyboard asked all of us a question about a Beethoven Sonata Op. 38. Again, I forgot to turn off the volume down on my phone’s volume; I used my phone as a metronome when working on my Piano Duo piece.

Left the class feeling a little embarrassed, but laughed at myself that it happened. I think everybody had a really good laugh when that happened.

Tuesday felt like I was stressed as. Trying to cram a new piano duo part for Wednesday’s audition since Monday was crazy. Trying to polish it up a day before my audition was nuts. The most craziest thing I had to do for an audition. I practised my piano duo piece the entire day, while having class on at the same time. I had my first Deafness and Communication tutorial, which made my mind go distorted. Usually in tutorials, I try to participate as much as I can to get the most out of it. I was a little shy being as sleep deprived Nicole.

I also had my first workshop for Aural Studies 2. No swearing involved this week during an Aural Studies workshop. Yes! Hahaha.

Then, I did more practising. Finishing the day with about four hours of practising, 1 hour of piano duo rehearsal included too.

Wednesday was the day of my piano duo audition. Woke up at 6:15am, struggling to get out of bed as I had less than 7 hours of sleep these past couple of days. Had a rehearsal at 8:30am till 9am. Then, did more practising for another 2 more hours to prepare for my piano duo. I also had another run through before my audition with my partner 15 minutes before auditioning starts.

Being as nervous and pressured as heck, as I know there are not many spots available, as I look at the sheet full of names in ensemble rooms. I introduced myself with the most polite voice when my examiner asked me, and we performed. Not quite sure what came to me, but I just went with the music. At the same time as I went with the music, I started to get adrenaline in my system, and tried not to freak out as I breathe in and out heavily.

Examiner stops, and felt like my examiner wasn’t very impressed, leaving us feeling like there’s no hope of getting in. Though there’s a slight hope as the examiner says, “It’s not definite yet.” Got out of the room, look at each other like if we went back in time, we could’ve made something better in order to get in. But the audition happened, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Thursday was a one huge catch up day. 2 hours practise on orchestra pieces, as I’ll be performing next Sunday for Melbourne Youth Strings and Percy Grainger Youth Orchestra. Went to Concert Class.

Concert Class was actually good today; there was performers! But unfortunately, there wasn’t any comment sheet, or a program, meaning they probably didn’t take on with the feedback. I wish we had our old Concert Class coordinator back. The system back then is way better than the now.

As Concert Class finish early like usual, had lunch with my friends who major in Piano. Nek minute, got a text from my duo partner. I can feel the energy from reading what my duo partner wrote. I felt really bummed as well. So, I straightaway had to change my timetable around. So instead of Piano Duo and Duet, I had space to do Music and Health.

After my break, I went to do another four hours of practising with my recital pieces, totalling up with 6 hours of practising.

6pm dings, and week 1 is finally done. I left the con leaving my body feeling physically exhausted. I pretty much took a nana nap on my way back home.

So, that’s my week. It’s definitely not over yet. I still got to face Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So it’s not finished yet, but at least classes for this week are finished. Yes, there are going to be changes. So I’ll just accept it, learn about what I experienced, laugh about it and move forward. I think I will never forget how happy, and welcomed I was back at the con again with my friends and MCM people around me.

I hope your first week went well.

PS: Yes, I did listen to Changes by David Bowie on my way back home, and whilst writing this blog. Hahaha. Too relatable for my life this week.
