Attempt Number Two.

Aloha,Pretty cool that we still get to share our experiences of second year!!!O week was fun; I strongly recommend being a host to everyone. It was also extra good for me because I now know my “new peers” seeing as I am only doing my first semester of first year now. Also, there’s another person at Whitley this year that does Animal Science too, so that is pretty cool!! Moving back into college and unpacking only took me 2 hours, and I’m liking my new room and neighbours 🙂 First week back at uni was pretty smooth. I was quite nervous about starting first semester again on Sunday night, but I guess it has all worked out fine so far. The new freshers at college are awesome, met lots of them and still have 489654985694385 people left to meet!! Ahhhh!! Also, the food this year is seeming to be much better and fresher than last year: fresher food, fresher people, freshers, fresh year….fresh college!!! (Don’t you hate it how words sound so stupid when they are repeated several times…….)Water polo starts back soon, looking forward to that and have been doing plenty of exercise leading up to it so I don’t die, haha. Also EXTREMELY PUMPED for the FINA World Championships this month!!! My friend who I used to play water polo with is on the women’s team, and I also know a guy in the men’s team….how awesome!On Thursday it was Joe’s 21st Birthday, so at 6am I caught a tram to his street and wrote all over the sidewalk in front of his house with chalk…not to mention the skin off my knuckles!!! It was funny seeing all the people giving me weird looks, and how many people from college knew about it/saw it, but hey, he seemed to have been very pleased by it when he sent me a message after waking up and discovering it a few hours later!! Hehehe :DYesterday I surprised myself, well, my-Sunday-self; I just walked into my room, sat down, and buried my face in my books for about 4 hours straight! Gosh!!!!!! But it all paid off- I went to a group of ex-ressi’s house for a bbq and drinks, then we all headed out to Puggs which was a pretty good night.Anyways, believe it or not I am off to do more bio and maths work, will write more next time!Lara

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