Growing the TEL Community Of Practice/Network in 2024
This program aims to mobilise and grow the TEL community across the University (https://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/sotel/) through 1 hour webinar series culminating in the ASCILITE2024 Conference in December hosted by the University of Melbourne (https://2024conference.ascilite.org).Recordings shared on UniMelb Figshare for asynchronous viewing after the Webinars.
- Meet the ASCILITE Community – 8th March 12-1pm
- Find out about the ASCILITE Executive and ASCILITE activities
- SoTEL Showcase 15th March 12-1pm Philippa Marriott
- Hear from practitioners of TEL
- Writing submissions for the ASCILITE conference – 12th April 12-1pm
- Tips for writing successful TEL conference submissions
- SoTEL Symposium/Showcase (Virtual PechaKucha’s of TEL practice) – 19th April 12-1pm
- Showcase of TEL practice in lively Pecha Kucha format
- Introduction to ASCILITE Publications (APUBS) and Peer Review – 10th May 12-1pm
- Tips for submitting and Peer review of ASCILITE submissions
- SoTEL Trendsetter/Showcase – 17th May
- Hear from practitioners of TEL
- SoTEL Trendsetter/Showcase – 7th June
- Hear from practitioners of TEL
- Introduction to CMALT professional accreditation – 14th June 12-1pm
- What is the Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology and how do I get it?
Designed for: Academic and professional staff interested in TEL Duration: A series of webinars throughout the year (1-hour webinars) Delivery: Starts in March; online
Registration Page: https://melbourne-cshe.unimelb.edu.au/pd/teaching-learning-and-assessment/tel-network