Posted under News

  1. Introducing Elisa Bone

    Elisa is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education Curriculum and Assessment – STEM, at the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education, where she works …

  2. Hybrid pedagogies for pre- and in-service practice-based teacher education 2021: Covid-normal

    Hybrid pedagogies for pre- and in-service practice-based teacher education 2021: Covid-normal Kathryn Coleman and Nick J. Archer (studioFive Technician – Visual Arts & Music, MGSE) What …

  3. Introducing Charles Sevigny

    Dr Charles Sevigny is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physiology and the Director of Digital Learning for the School of Biomedical Sciences at the …

  4. Introducing the Faculty of Arts eTeaching/eLearning unit

    Man wearing VR HMD

    The Faculty of Arts eTeaching/eLearning unit supports Faculty of Arts teaching staff integrate technology in teaching and learning, to enhance student engagement and interactivity, and to …

  5. Introducing Alexis Pang

    Alexis Pang is a Teaching Specialist at the School of Agriculture and Food, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences. He is interested in the innovative use …

  6. Why would a veterinary and agricultural science lecturer use XR?

    It might seem unusual for a lecturer in veterinary and agricultural science to be talking about extended reality (XR)- virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality. To …

  7. What’s done is data: Creating datafied feedback loops to inform Creative Industry pedagogy.

    Image of a infinity sign made up of small pictures of online platforms like email.

    We interact with digital devices everyday. These devices continue to record a growing variety of actions, at a higher velocity than ever, and in ever increasing …

  8. The 2020 7-Week #CMALTcMOOC starts 14th September

    Are you interested in gaining international accreditation for your experience and expertise in integrating technology in teaching and learning? The Certified Member of the Association for …

  9. Research in Learning Technology (RLT) MMR Special Collection Update 2020 – Call for Papers #ASCILITEMLSIG #SOTEL_AU @MelbCSHE

    Call for Papers 2020 MMR SPECIAL COLLECTION UPDATE Research in Learning Technology (RLT) MMR Special Collection Update 2020 – Call for Papers Mobile Mixed Reality Enhanced …

  10. Education 4.0 International Virtual Series RoundTable2 Wrap-up #SOTELNZ #SOTEL_AU @MelbCSHE

    SoTEL Network Icon

    Join us on 26 August 2020 (Wed) for the final webinar in the Education 4.0 series Roundtable 2: After the leap, how can we build on …

Number of posts found: 24