Melbourne CSHE Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning – a digital education network Hub

The Higher Education Teaching Research Nexus webinar series #THETRN featuring @SiewFangLaw1 @cdeneen212 @AliciaSpittle @GBuskes & more @MelbCSHE

THETRN is a new 6-episode webinar series will be co-presented with invited Deans of Teaching and Learning and will explore the interface between teaching and research across various disciplines.

The series will also feature a panel of experts from across the university discussing a range of issues at the nexus of teaching and research. The sessions will be presented live and recorded.


Suitable for

ECR and MCR lecturers looking to engage in lively discussions around the issues surrounding the teaching-research nexus in various discipline contexts.



This series is a collaboration between the University of Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) with and funded by the Researcher Development Unit (RDU).



  • Episode 1 — Friday 18 March, 12.001.00pm (AEDT) Altmetrics – amplifying research impact
    • Discussion Panel: Thomas Cochrane & Siew Fang Law (CSHE), Elliott Gyger (Arts), Alicia Spittle (MDHS), Chantal Morton (MLS), Kate Tregloan (ABP), Gavin Buskes (Engineering), Chris Deneen (UniSA)
    • Registration page for Zoom link


Background Resources


Cochrane, T., Coleman, K., Belton, A., Fitzgerald, E., Glasser, S., Harris, J., Melzack, G., Spreadborough, K., & Mactavish, K. (2021). #DataCreativities: Developing a trans-disciplinary data visualization framework from Arts practice to teaching and learning during COVID19. Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(1), 8-10.

Cochrane, T. (2020). Altmetrics and Social Media: Amplifying research impact.

Cochrane, T., Redmond, P., & Corrin, L. (2018). Technology Enhanced Learning, Research Impact and Open Scholarship. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(3), i-viii.

Another great #SOTELNZ virtual Symposium done for 2022 – now for 2023! @MelbCSHE #ASCILITEMLSIG #PJTEL

Great work by the #SoTELNZ Team in putting together another awesome virtual Symposium 16-18th Feb – looking forward to SoTEL2023 now!
A few screenshots and examples of SoTEL Symposium presentations for those who missed the event – Trendsetter and Pecha Kucha presentation abstracts can be found published at

Example Presentations from UoM staff & Students:

Aiello, S. (2022). Supporting Online Paramedic Education within a Covid-19 Era . Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1), 4-5.


Spreadborough, K., & Glasser, S. (2022). A literature review on the use of retrospective LMS data to investigate online Teaching and Learning practices. Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1), 12-13.


Cochrane, T., & Stretton, T. (2022). Enhancing Health Care Education and Practice Post COVID. Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1), 8-9.


Bone, E., Evitaputri, D., & Santaanop, P. (2022). Mobile learning in higher education environmental science: state of the field and future possibilities . Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1), 1-3.


Morgan, S. (2022). Enhancing coding skills with CloudStor SWAN. Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1), 48.


Day1 of the SoTEL Symposium is a wrap – looking forward to Day2 & Day3 @MelbCSHE #ASCILITEMLSIG

Find out more at

Mozilla Hubs VR Social Networking for SoTEL Symposium 2022
SoTEL Mozilla Hubs VR Room

#PJTEL journal editorial: Tracing the impact of a new emerging TEL journal @MelbCSHE #ASCILITEMLSIG @A_L_T @ASCILITE #SOTELNZ

Keywords: Altmetrics, Impact, Technology Enhanced Learning


In this first editorial for the Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, PJTEL, the lead editors reflect upon the first three years of the journal and explore the impact statistics. We also explore future directions and themes for the journal particularly in light of the impact of COVID19 on education.

SoTEL SYMPOSIUM 2022 – abstract submissions extended: Presenting a showcase of student learning supported by technology. February 16-18 @MelbCSHE @AUTuni @ascilite @A_L_T #SoTEL_NZ #PJTEL

The SoTEL Symposium is a showcase of student learning supported by technology. After the success over the last four years, we are excited to announce that the 5th SoTEL Symposium will be held online from the 16th, to 18th of February, 2022.


Abstract Submission Extended: 31 January 2022 Cost: $25/day, $75 for 3 days



The Symposium brings together educators, primarily from the secondary and tertiary sectors, to:

  • Share and demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of using digital technologies to enhance student learning;
  • Establish research clusters and communities of practice to enable like-minded people to explore, evaluate and advance the use of digital technologies in student learning environments in all disciplines;
  • Provide an annual forum for practitioners to present the results of their work to peers and other interested parties.


Attendance and presentation at the annual Symposium is open to all educators from the secondary and tertiary sectors, those from the vocational education and training sector, government departments, and private training organisations, including the defence forces.


The symposium features 6 Trendsetter/Keynotes and a presentation stream of Pecha Kucha’s with live discussion and 500 word abstracts published in the Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (PJTEL). 2021 Abstracts can be seen at



For more info, visit:

QR code link to SoTEL Website

@MelbCSHE Selection of #ASCILITE2021 Conference Presentations

Narayan, V., Cochrane, T., Aiello, S., Birt, J., Cowie, N., Cowling, M., Deneen, C., Goldacre, P., Alizadeh, M., Sinfield, D., Stretton, T., & Worthington, T. (2021, 29 November – 1 December). Mobile learning and socially constructed blended learning through the lens of Activity Theory. ASCILITE 2021: 38th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, University of New England (UNE), Armidale, Australia.

Lam, L., Cochrane, T., Davey, C., John, S., Shaktivesh, S., Ganesan, S., & Rajagopal, V. (2021, 29 November – 1 December). Prototyping a transdisciplinary bioengineering curriculum development project. ASCILITE 2021: 38th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, University of New England (UNE), Armidale, Australia.

Bionic Limb ASCILITE2021 Project Poster Preview
Bionic Limb ASCILITE2021 Project Poster Preview

Cochrane, T., Narayan, V., Aiello, S., Birt, J., Cowie, N., Cowling, M., Deneen, C., Goldacre, P., Alizadeh, M., Sinfield, D., Stretton, T., & Worthington, T. (2021, 29 November – 1 December). Post Pandemic Socially Constructed Blended Synchronous Learning: Vignettes from the Mobile Learning SIG ASCILITE 2021: 38th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, University of New England (UNE), Armidale, Australia.

Deneen, C., Cochrane, T., Cowling, M., Law, S.-F., Manning, C., & Martin, B. (2021, 29 November – 1 December). The new normal: Dialogues and ways forward ASCILITE 2021: 38th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, University of New England (UNE), Armidale, Australia. Presentation:


@MelbCSHE SoTEL Showcase#4 Presentations

The fourth SoTEL Showcase for 2021 was held 10am-12pm (AEDT) 22nd November

Showcase#4 presenters were:

  • Yvette Walker
    • UoM MEd (Research) student, “20 Days of 2020: Moving through the institutional body language of Melbourne museums in lockdown”
  • Todd Stretton
    • UoM PhD student, “The Effectiveness of Mobile Extended Reality for Critical Thinking for Healthcare Higher Education”
  • Elisa Bone
    • Senior Lecturer, MCSHE, “Examining mobile learning projects in ecology and environmental science”
  • Jason Torrens
    • Senior Lecturer Collarts, Audio Production, UoM MPhil applicant “Frameworks for teaching location-based technology disciplines in online settings”

Presentation citations and recordings are available at:

Walker, Yvette (2021): 20 Days of 2020: Moving through the institutional body language of Melbourne museums in lockdown. University of Melbourne. Media.

Stretton, Todd (2021): The Effectiveness of Mobile Extended Reality for Critical Thinking for Healthcare Higher Education. University of Melbourne. Media.

Bone, Elisa (2021): Examining mobile learning projects in ecology and environmental science. University of Melbourne. Media.

Torrens, Jason (2021): Frameworks for teaching location-based technology disciplines in online settings. University of Melbourne. Media.

SoTEL SYMPOSIUM 2022: Presenting a showcase of student learning supported by technology. February 16-18 @MelbCSHE @AUTuni @ascilite @A_L_T #SoTEL_NZ #PJTEL

The SoTEL Symposium is a showcase of student learning supported by technology. After the success over the last four years, we are excited to announce that the 5th SoTEL Symposium will be held online from the 16th, to 18th of February, 2022.


Abstract Earlybird: 26 November 2021 Cost: $25/day, $75 for 3 days


Sotel Flyer 2022 Final 

The Symposium brings together educators, primarily from the secondary and tertiary sectors, to:

  • Share and demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of using digital technologies to enhance student learning;
  • Establish research clusters and communities of practice to enable like-minded people to explore, evaluate and advance the use of digital technologies in student learning environments in all disciplines;
  • Provide an annual forum for practitioners to present the results of their work to peers and other interested parties.


Attendance and presentation at the annual Symposium is open to all educators from the secondary and tertiary sectors, those from the vocational education and training sector, government departments, and private training organisations, including the defence forces.


The symposium features 6 Trendsetter/Keynotes and a presentation stream of Pecha Kucha’s with live discussion and 500 word abstracts published in the Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (PJTEL). 2021 Abstracts can be seen at



For more info, visit:

QR code link to SoTEL Website

Number of posts found: 82

SoTEL Network Contributors