Happy Tacos (Johanna)

I feel alright. Not so great, but not wanting to jump out the window either. Last night, Matthew was my saviour.

Matthew is my boyfriend of a year and a half, and he lives in Geelong, doing 5th year Arts/Law at Deakin University. There is about 90 minutes between us, rather than 9 before I came here. Usually he’ll stay with me on Friday and Saturday nights, but yesterday he had a job interview in Melbourne … so he came for dinner! It was so nice, it felt almost like the way things were – just randomly turning up at each others houses and cooking together. We made tacos, or rather I made tacos, while he ‘marked’ my literature essay. I’m only now realising how useful it is to have a tutor as my boyfriend; he crossed out half my draft though. Oh well, he said it was a good essay and deserved a distinction even in it’s draft state, so I can hope.

Oh but the tacos! I was so proud, I think it was the best meal I have made since moving out of home.

Afterwards there was much huggling, which made everything better. I think that sometimes I just need a ‘fix’ of all things homey, lovely, happy and wonderful. I feel now like I actually have enough strength to keep going, whereas I would have gladly dropped out and run home to my Mum’s house on Tuesday night.

My job, however, is one thing that is simply not going to get better. I work at an icecream parlour cafe thing in Federation Square, but they also have a location under one of the bridges at Southbank. Like another fellow blogger, I have missed quite a few days of classes lately – I got sick, from working until late at night literally on the Yarra wearing only my uniform (a t-shirt). I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! The manager criticises me to the point of verbally abusing me: “No, you have to pour the milk faster, you’re not doing it right, quickly, faster faster FASTER! No!!!!! You ruined it! I can’t believe it, that’s pathetic. Throw it out and start again. You’ll never learn at this rate. Making coffee is just beyond some people.” I’ve had shifts until 2am, and every time I come home, I smell of stale milk and burnt coffee. It’s horrible, but I haven’t quite got the guts to quit.

Oh well, I must cast my mind back to happier things! Like getting scholarship money tomorrow, I think. Yay.. I might finally be able to buy a computer of my own!

2 thoughts on “Happy Tacos (Johanna)

  1. i’m jealous of your life.
    At least your boyfriend realises how good the two of you are together!
    Nick and I were going to go to that ice cream place after we went out for dinner about a month ago, on our 3 month anniversary.
    I love ice cream.
    Anyways looks like you’re back on track at least,
    stay happy for me,
    🙂 Lara

  2. I can’t believe that you said, “I’m jealous of your life.” There are times in my life when i could have believed it if somebody said it, times when I felt charmed and as if everything was wonderful, but right now is not one of them.
    My boyfriend is some kind of angel – I have been the world’s worst girlfriend since I started university, and he keeps being a sweetheart and providing the proverbial shoulder to cry on. Literally and often. It’ll be 18 months soon, and I can’t believe that he has put up with me for so long…
    But most everything else is on shaky ground. But I will try to stay happy for you!
    Ice cream is great, but don’t come to my work – it’s seriously overpriced. I feel horrible when I work there, “One single scoop and one double scoop, thats $13.60.” It’s ridiculous.

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