Makeup Entry EXTRAVAGANZA1111!!!11!!1, now with EDIT! (Chris)

OK – I am sure that those of you who have actually read my blog, if there are any of you, have been wondering whether or not my last entry actually indicated my death. However, let me assure you, I am not dead (although a recent article in Farrago may have also suggested otherwise). I’ve been catching up with all my Uni work while trying to pay rent and all that jazz, and it really became all too much to try and blog amidst that. The good news now, though, is that I don’t actually HAVE any exams, and all my assessments have been handed in, so now I can blog freely! Be this an important lesson to all prospective UniMelb kiddies: take a course which does not require exams, because even though it leads to a lot of stress towards the end of semester, it gives you four extra weeks of holidays when you’d otherwise be studying. Muahahaha. Not to rub it in or anything. I mean, surely at least one of my fellow bloggers doesn’t have exams either? What’s that? You’ve all got exams? Deepest sympathies guys. I’m sure that all your long hours of studying pages upon pages of text by the cold light of your desk lamps are going great! In your honour, I’ve decided to compose this acrostic poem.

F irst year I am in, and
R elaxing is what I do whilst not studying for any exams.
E nergy is what I possess much of because my
E ffortless, casual attitude allows me to appreciate life as the
D ays drift slowly by. How lucky I am that
O nly assignments comprise
M y assessment critera; and thus I have no exams.

Hahaha. I know, I’m being really slack rubbing it in, but hey! It’s been one hell of a semester and it’s good to vent a little when it’s all over. Aside from Uni stuff, things have been pretty OK. Work is still long hours and quite tiring, but I’m also finding more time to go out (have been enjoying Smith St. in Collingwood recently – awesome place) and… responsibly… consume alcohol. Been writing a fair bit too, both for Farrago and myself, and I’m looking forward to trying to get some stuff up and running for next year’s fringe festival. So much is going on and that always seems to be the case with University life, even when semester’s over. But I can’t really say that I’m unhappy about that. It’s pretty much what I wanted from Uni. Anyway, if this site still exists in a couple of weeks, I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening. Until then – GOOD LUCK WITH EXAMS (e-x-a-m-s?) EVERYONE!

EDIT: Well, I’ve just been catching up on everyone else’s entries, and I gathered a few things. Firstly, my repeated hammering home of the exam joke mightn’t be funny to poor Lara, who I hope is doing OK back in Sydney. Secondly, this whole blog seems to have turned into Big Brother 06 (not that I watch it or anything, I mean, I’m far too busy wearing black leather gloves and smoking whilst reading Sartre and dissecting Focault’s historical discourses to bother with popular culture), what with a new intruder (G’day Jez) and some exciting drama heating up. I look forward to reading how everyone’s going through the exam period. Lastly – you all write bloody long entries! So much for my makeup extravaganza. Well, I think this extra edit addition surely makes up for any deficiency in substance, quality or charisma that my entry (self?) may have. Oh, and one more thing. I’ve been working closely with the Media Society and am one of the Arts producers of our very own SYN FM radio show! So tune in tomorrow and have a listen, to ease all of your exam worries!


Cheers all!


6 thoughts on “Makeup Entry EXTRAVAGANZA1111!!!11!!1, now with EDIT! (Chris)

  1. Lovin’ it man! Nice to have you back on board. And yes, exams suck but hey we’ll work through that. The one thing worse than having exams is not being able to have them.

    Just as a quick note, with the whole SYN FM thing, it’s a bit of a long shot but do you know the girl, Jenny (I can say her name because, let’s face it, she is on public radio), who does the Chinese pop show on Tuesday nights? If you did, it would certainly be a small world after all…


  2. I like exams. Makes me learn everything. (ok, most things)
    Anyway I’m doing Science Philosophy and History next semester, in which you can do an exam or final paper at the end. I’ll probably do the paper as the difference is there is much more writing than compared to what I do now, and my hands might get tired after that amount of time. (I can also get quite messy.)

  3. Okay…does anyone else see anything weird about the fact Chris was like GONE…and then he suddenly reappears on the day 6/6/06???

    Aside from that – good to have you back posting! 😉

  4. Sophie – Yes, I am a devil incarnate. Fear my satanic ambitions, mere human! Muahahahaha.

    Jez – I don’t know the girl unfortunately. However, I have listened to that show, and must say that it’s pretty damn funky.

    Hope everyone is enjoying finishing up with their exams. Keep writing through the break!

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