Ouchies… (Lara)

So I’ve torn my main thigh muscle (rectus femoris, which runs from the top of the leg to the knee) in 3 places with deep surrounding bruising, torn my subcutaneous fat tissue with evidence of early fat necrosis and surrounding bruising, torn my collateral ligament close to its proximal insertion and most probably ripped the cartilage between my knee joints which is what is causing the most pain and may have to be investigated further with an MRI and specialist attention. Oh and the bruising is so severe that it still hasnt come up to the surface yet. Bahah.

It’s okay guys, I’ll be okay 😐

No water polo for me until Australian Uni Games…hopefully!

Apart from that pain on a daily basis for the past 10 days and counting, life is actually really really good!

Will update more on that at the end of the week…By golly it will also be the end of the term then too!

Lara. xx

2 thoughts on “Ouchies… (Lara)

  1. Ouchies sounds right you poor thing! You really have had a run of bad luck. I keep telling people exercise is bad for them lol! But glad to hear life is good and that you are keeping your spirits up.


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