Random Tripe (Chris)

This must be a miracle – two updates within a week! It’s possibly because I’m sitting here at a Uni computer with broadband and having little else to do. Broadband is the coolest thing ever. If I had it at home I would go absolutely crazy downloading things. Legally, of course. Relevance to this blog: Remember kids, if you’re going to be moving out of home to a sharehouse or something of the like, it is highly unlikely you’ll be able to afford the comforts of broadband. That is, unless you’re rich or get someone else to pay for it for you. Or you decide to all chip in for broadband, except then your bandwith is split and the amount you can download is also split. Which doesn’t fare well. OK – the direction of this entry has become more convoluted than an episode of The Simpsons. FOCUS.

* I worked an eight hour shift unpacking boxes and moving stock in the Toys department. Never again do I want to hear about Dora the Explorer or The Wiggles. Never.
* My script got shunted from Short and Sweet, which means I haven’t had any success creatively this year at all. A major come down from everything that happened last year.
* I am an Arts Sub-Editor for next year’s Farrago. Very exciting!

This is also my 10th post. I am proud of me, I hope you all are too. Now I’m only two behind Jim – watch out Jimmy boy! Ha ha ha. Don’t worry I’ll get you all during exams when I have time to waste (except for work and my brother coming down from Sydney). I’ll post thrice times a day and will become the most revealing, self-indulgent blogger in all of the Internet. Not including My(wasteof)Space, naturally. Otherwise I’d have to compete with a couple of hundred million angsty teenagers for that title.

Ok, I’m gonna get home now. I’m walking because I don’t want to start to use my monthly tram ticket until I’m gonna be tramming all day. Relevance to this blog: Remember kids, use monthly tram tickets sparingly!

Peace out.

7 thoughts on “Random Tripe (Chris)

  1. If you’re going to live in a sharehouse, find one that’s on an exchange enabled for ADSL2+: theoretical speeds up to 24mbps, and 30GB downloads for $60. If only my parents would see the logic in getting broadband instead of dialling up three or four times a day (I happen to be on one of these exchanges, and the potential is WASTED!). Mmm. Broadband.

    Did you ever see “The Wiggles Movie”?

    The easiest way to blog regularly? LiveJournal. I swear that thing’s way too addictive; I made nine posts in a day once. And you can get your daily dose of emo while avoiding the horrible flashing MySpace profiles that send your computer into a swirling psychedelic… something. I’m looking at you here, Rick.

    They do sell Metcards in other-than-monthly… types? “Denominations”? But walking’s better for you, I suppose… though if you live within walking distance of uni, depending on which direction, you might be able to use a City Saver?

  2. Oh TOYS! I miss the Toy department (only sometimes though). I used to work there at Target. The whole little kids being there was shit though because they would come and pull things off shelves ect. I just liked that department because it was the most interesting – e.g. seeing which new fashions Barbie had compared to ‘back in the day”.

    CONGRATULATIONS on getting arts sub-editor at Farrago. That’s fantastic!!! How on earth do you get a position like that? What is the process? I know the President of the PIS, Dave Fettling, has been involved in Farrago a lot with editorship. Do you know him?

  3. I actually have a LiveJournal, but I seldom use it. It was addictive at first, but then I got bored of it, and instead I just use it to remain up to date with some communities. That’s something MySpace doesn’t quite have down yet – the community interaction, although it looks like they’re starting to do that.

    Yeah, I know they sell other MetCards, but I buy monthly because I work so often and catch the tram to and from uni five days a week. Plus when I go out it means I don’t have to buy another card. It just makes things a lot easier and the cost is roughly the same, if not cheaper for me to do it that way.

  4. Sophie: Dave is an absolute legend. I had no idea he was President of the PIS, but now that would explain a lot. Very clever bloke, and I have utmost respect for him.

    Actually getting the job of sub-editor was easy – I just applied to an email requesting interested people to submit some samples etc. Plus I already knew most of the Media Collective kids, so I didn’t just pop out of nowhere. You should get involved! Always need more people on board.

    P.S. I haven’t been following much about domestic American politics recently, but do you really think Gore would give the Presidential bid another shot?

  5. Ok, with my Myspace page I think I’ve stopped that now, started to annoy me too. Although it only effected non-Internet Explorer users. Took me a while to figure out all the little spots that I’d inserted ‘text-decoration: blink;’, and I know many did nothing, but I couldn’t be bothered working it out so I just stuck em everywhere. Little time for me is spent on that site, but I really couldn’t be bothered investing any time in any others, unless it was for my music.

    The internet at Medley Hall is really something different. The wireless is almost useless, but the computer room gives high bandwidth, and high latency. I tend to care much more about the latency, it really makes a difference to quickly you can navigate around web pages.

    Anyone looking for an intenet plan should goto http://whirlpool.net.au first and just compare what’s out there.

    Also, congrats on being sub-editor, the stepping stone to the great position of editor, in which timeframe you will become famous and become sub-editor of some other thingy or what-not.

  6. Dora the Explorer? Eek.

    I’m starting at the Christmas department at Myer in a few weeks, though they said they’d eventually move me into Toys. So I should be scared, huh?

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