No you're not the late one, I am! (David)

it’s been three weeks since O-Week and I am still undecided about uni. I am still not sure whether I like it or not. Since uni began, my emotions have fluctuated a gzillion times per day. For example, I would feel like crap in the morning if I have to get up at 7am for a 9am start, then I would lament the fact that I didn’t go to Monash (its not far from where I live) but then I would remember its buildings and screw my face up in disgust, then I would feel even worse after missing my train and arriving late to class, then I would feel happy again when I meet someone new then I would feel fatigued after walking around uni to attend different lectures then I would feel energized again after meeting up with my friends then I would feel bored and tired after a draining lecture then I would feel ecstatic that I get to go home finally then I would feel miserable because I remembered I have to go to work instead, then my face would light up again because I get to see the hot chick at work then I would come home and feel distressed after realising I had not done my intro micro homework which was due the next day then I would feel at peace and carefree when I hop into bed because sleeping means no thinking. So yeah, that’s why I’m still undecided about uni so far. I will go into the details of my first 3 weeks at uni at another time, instead I will tell you about my day.

Today was Labour Day, which meant everyone in my household got to sleep in while I had to wake up early for uni. Labour Day also means that the public transport system runs on a Sunday timetable. Like any disorganized student, I rocked up to class late. I had Chinese in the morning, one hour break then a quantitative methods tutorial. After that, I met up with my friend and spent the next two hours talking to her. We had a very intriguing and interesting conversation, stuff that will never make it on this blog. My friend left and I decided to go to the Giblin Library (commerce library) to catch up on some work. My concentration level was high and I was indeed very proud of the amount of work I had completed (however I doubt every study session in the future will be this productive). At 6pm, it was off to lacrosse training. I had missed the first two training sessions so I was very nervous and did not know what to expect. Upon arriving at the hockey pitch, I was very intimidated by all the big beefy guys. I thought lacrosse was going to be a huge mistake (I am pretty small in stature). But as I got into the groove, it occurred to me that the group of guys was very friendly, welcoming and had a large contingent of Americans naturally (since lacrosse is an American sport. I also realised that a lot of the guys in the team used to go to my high school but were in the levels above me. Another thing I realised was how incredibly unfit I am. The session really took it out of me but even though I was sore to my bone, it felt great. Lacrosse is a fast paced game and a really fun game. I felt rejuvenated and high-spirited, especially after meeting a fellow first year lacrosse player. His name was Tim and he was doing Com/Eng. We chatted on the tram to Melbourne Central and he seemed like a very nice fella. When we arrived at MC, it struck me again that it was Labour Day, and this was proven when I had to wait almost half an hour for my next train! But this time, frustration did not overwhelm me; instead I managed to let out a small smile because I was feeling good, real good. Things were getting better, I was slowly getting used to the routine and uni life was beginning to shine.

There is still so much I want to write about but this post is already to long. I promise I will blog about O-week and my first 2 weeks at uni. Probably tomorrow morning since my first class at uni starts at 4pm. YAY! Sleep in!

I think I will break tradition and not end my blog by saying goodbye in another language but by a simple bye. So sorry about the length of this blog.


4 thoughts on “No you're not the late one, I am! (David)

  1. Jeez, that was quite interesting! Ur account of ‘fluctuating emotions’ are so well-explained….I liked it…
    Anyway, thanks for putting in the title abt being the late one….feel much

  2. I love reading personal profiles written in the third person by the subject of the profile. 🙂 Welcome! (Did that even make sense? :S My sentence, not your post.)

  3. I think I am your new biggest fan!!!!

    You sound totally awesome 🙂

    Lemme guess….Ex Melbourne High Boy???
    Do correct me if i’m wrong! lol.

    Have you been to the PIS meetings yet? I hope so!!! Say hi to me if you see me there 😀

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