Blog Number 2 (Georgie)

Now, just to let you know, I now despise anything depressing. Yes, I realise I mentioned in my last blog that I don’t like sad books, but this now extends to movies as well. This may be because I cry at just about anything (I’ve cried watching McLeod’s Daughters before – not that I watch McLeod’s Daughters) and that I just haven’t built up a strong enough tolerance to the harsh reality of the world. But no matter! I now vow to only read and watch things that will most likely have a positive outcome. How, you may ask, will I do this? Well, for starters my new book phase will be the romantic classics – Austen, the Bronte sisters etc – none of those end in death or destrction do they? And my movies will be limited to lighthearted romantic comedies or comdedies full stop or something like Rocky (I just watched the first one on the weekend – great film!).
And what, you may question, ignited this dislike for all things gloomy? Well, after reading ‘Of Mice and Men’, ‘The Book Theif’, ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ and ‘A Fine Balance’ (all of which are exceedingly miserable) I decided that there might be a better way to indulge my literary desires. But then yesterday was tipped the scales. In Australia Now we watched ‘Gallipoli’. Admittedly, I had already seen the movie, but seeing it a second time made the ending no less distressing and so yes, I was crying. Thankfully my friend E, sitting next to me was crying too.

Ok, now I’ve got that off my chest, I had an awesome week this week! Classes were great and I was able to get back into the USA Today tute that I had accidentally changed out of. Actually the tute this week was great, there was a semi-argument between a Canadian guy and a British guy about how people in Europe shopped – that’s right, we’re tackling the important issues here! But it really was great and I’m looking forward to many more heated debates in all my tutes!

I’m really loving Australia Now (even though it made me cry this week) but I made a mistake with the reading this week for my tute. We were meant to watch Gallipoli last week but it wouldn’t work so the lecturer gave us a different lecture. So rather than do the week 2 reading we were meant to do week 3, but what did I do? Week 4. So I was really annoyed with myself because it was a good topic (multiculturalism) and I didn’t get the most out of it. I supose I’ve learnt my lesson now though.

I’m now sort of settled into Modern Lit, but this week we did James Joyce’s ‘Dubliners’ which I really don’t like and am annoyed that oue first assesment is on it. It’s a book of short stories and I only made it about a third of the way through it and just my luck, in our tute we discussed two of the stories I hadn’t read. That being said, studying the form of the book rather than the content (if that makes sense) isn’t horrible.

I managed to update my resume this week, and boy did it need updating. I had awards and stuff on there from primary school, I’m thinking this is becasue the last time I actually used my resume was when I was first looking for a job when I was 14 and 9 months old! So now I just have to check with some referees and I can start handing it out. And, thanks Michael, I put my name down for the Casual Employment Register – good idea! Also on the job front, my pay got upped this week because I’m 18 now, so getting my pay yesterday was very nice.

I also do a bit of babysitting and on Wednesday I was looking after some kids I babysit reularly and their mum told me that, starting in a few weeks, they’d need someone for Saturdays and Sundays and would I be interested? I’m thinking that I’ll just take one day, because kids can be really full on sometimes, and so I can still get another casual job.

Q: I wish you all the best trying to convince me that there is any real application for maths and chem in my everyday life. Especially chem – man am I glad to be rid of that! All that proton, atom crap, I mean, what is actually between the electrons, it can’t just be nothing can it? Arggghhh, it’s all beyond me!

Micheal, I don’t go to coffee on Tuesdays for the Political Interest Society (PIS) either and I have a lecture and a tute after the meeting on Wednesday so I don’t go to the pub either. But I’m really loving the discussions on Wednesday! I was there this week – we probably saw each other and just didn’t realise! I’ll see if I can find you next week. And Sophie, I reckon it’ll be easy to find you becasue there’s about 5 girls that go to the meetings and thanks for the advice!

Suzzane – oh my god! Your analogy was perfect and I’m not even a music person. I can’t believe how accurate it was and hey, it’s always nice to know that there’s a whole bunch of people going through the same thing!

Exodius – I can barely string a sentence together but: Buenos dias, buenas tardes, buenas noches (good morning, good afternoon and good night) – enjoy!

Just as a final note, I bought Red Hot Chilli Pepper tickets last year and as the 11th of April draws closer I’m getting more and more excited. I was listening to Stadium Arcadium all this week. Sometimes I’ll forget that I’m going and then suddenly remember and it’ll make my day – cheap thrills I spose!

Have a good one guys! And guess what, I’m listening to Nova and Snow (Hey Oh) just came on! Yay!

7 thoughts on “Blog Number 2 (Georgie)

  1. Awesome re the PIS! Will definitely be there next week. I will be wearing a gold heart locket no matter what….so that will be my identifier! 😉

  2. I’m terrible when it comes to crying + sad books/movies. I cried when I read The Lion King. Yes, the big Disney picture book. Granted, I was, oh, seven or eight at the time, but still. And Gallipoli made me cry too, which was rather embarrassing when we had to watch it in year… 9? 10? history class and I was the only person with tears in his or her eyes. I’ve avoided the film ever since. I do like the Adagio featured in it though, having played it in orchestra.

    I suspect I need to update my resume as well. In fact, I suspect I need some kind of job.

    I bet you already use maths in your everyday life. ^_^ Do you ever buy stuff? XD Or play ball? And as for what’s between the electrons, it could very well be empty space… or something much more sinister. Muahaha.

  3. Not to ruin any endings or anything, but if you’re going to go for cheerful Bronte sisters stuff, you might want to skip and not read Charlotte’s “Villette”. Just a warning 😛

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