the password is: welcome [nicola]

Is it possible to believe that yet another day is over? I find myself wondering where on earth did 11 weeks just go? 11 weeks! I could be a trained ski instructor by now! or rather, could be finishing off on what may possibly be the best (and worst) semester at uni – so far. Its a sad moment when realising that time cannot be bought, or exchanged, or in fact any way obtainable. This nostalgic feeling is probably not helped when this campus is absolutely beautiful in autumn! as it was in summer. *sigh* … now we’re all looking forward to exams.

‘Exam’ is a dirty word and shall not be mentioned until they are completely over. Which means I may have to stop posting for a little while until it is fully out of my system. Onwards…

So for something a little lighter, it has come to my attention that this change in weather is bringing out some rather strange clothing combinations. Not a particular fashionable young thing myself, this critique of modern winter-wear has no (insert word here)* about it.

Look no. 1: The boot. The boot comes in many shapes and sizes, just like their wearers. Wearing boots over or under jeans, no problem. But wearing it with short shorts to make the look more ‘wintry’ – darling, you must be freezing!

Look no. 2: The scarf. Can be skinny, thick n’ chunky, long or short. Comes in handy when bag handle breaks. Downsides include it getting stuck in the zip, ruining scarf and bag.

Look no. 3: The coat. This year its pretty much the same one. in black and black. They must have been giving them away. However I’ve seen a purple ankle length puffa coat and a bright green cropped jacket..

There is defiantly a graduation from ‘he’s weird’ we often hear at high school to ‘he’s unique/different/individual’. or she. um. thats all.


P.S: For those who have been following the posts, I’ve decided to stick with Scenario no.4 pending marks. Bad mark: change uni. Good(enough) mark: stay here. Although Scenario no.1 may still be an option, Scenario 2 and 3 is out of the question until the stress of (word I vowed not to mention) kicks in over the next couple of weeks and avoidance is sweeeet.

* a word that means: I’m no expert, therefore whatever I say has no good authority and no substantial credentials to sustain my argument. What is that word?!

3 thoughts on “the password is: welcome [nicola]

  1. uh.. the word “CREDIBILITY” perhaps?

    i do agree with that shorts-boots combo— people wearing that must have high tolerance to cold. others would even push their cold-resisting limit by doing a plunging neckine-shorts-boots combo.
    ah gee.. i wouldn’t even go out of the house without at least 2 layers of clothing when it gets to less than 20 degrees

  2. I’ve always been slightly impartial to those boots, but after a while I reckon they do look pretty funky.
    I tried wearing sky blue gloves with my sky blue t-shirt the other day, sure felt weird that day XD. I should probably get some fingerless ones.

    Apart from that, is it just me or the general populace turned to wearing more darker clothes to reflect the rather gloomy atmosphere most days of winter seems to insinuate? 😛

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