If tomorrow never comes (Yuan)

Then I’ll be a very happy girl. Finally, exams are over! I thought I would never be able to get through them but yes, they’re finished. *sigh* Sorry for deserting this site for so long. The last few weeks have been hectice. There’s only so much a person can cram into 24 hours and still get a decent amount of sleep. But it’s over now and I really don’t want to think about it anymore.

Hmm… let’s see. The last time I left you guys, it was still teaching period. We had our little get together, which was really nice since that’s like the first time we’ve met each other. As much as everybody else says life isn’t all about study and you should stop along the way to smell the roses, in order to do well in uni – forget your social life. I think the one social event I attended (because I had to) was the “prestigious” scholarship reception thing towards the end of the semester. And trust me, there wasn’t a lot of socialising involved in it. On the bright side, the refreshments were excellent. Gosh, how sad is my social life if that was the only thing I went to?

Anyway, lectures just kept on coming and the amount of information that we needed to know just kept on growing. I think I’ve finally figured out the cause of the problem with deforestation in this world – us uni students. For every single lecture, we print out about 8 pages worth of slides (there was one bad week when we had 15). Roughly 9 lectures a week. Times that by 12 weeks and 400 students (and this is just for med) and you get a loooot of paper. But I’m proud to say I didn’t print out anything cause I just carry my laptop around everywhere, but you could also factor in the electricity. *sigh* All in the name of education. 

Then swotvac rolled along, which pretty much equated a week of procrastination. Nothing of interest happened. Although I’m happy to report that it was around then when Hillary Clinton FINALLY suspended her bid for the Democrat nomination. Silly woman, she knew she lost it ages ago. All she’s accomplished now is create a massive divide in the Democrat votes, which is not going to end well for Obama. Notice I said the word “suspended” instead of quitting. Why? Cause she’s got ~30millions in debt and if she suspended her nomination, people can still donate money to her race. *sigh* And this woman made 180 million dollars over the last 8 years.

Exams were interesting to say the least. I always thought we were going to do exams in classrooms (like good old high school). Ha, what did I know. Turned out we had to all go down to the REB and sit in the massive hall with 2800 other students. It was a weird experience but for people who have sat the UMAT, it’s sort of similar. Just trying to remember your own seat number was a problem for me, much to the amusement of my friends. Finished off my exams with an OSCE (don’t ask me what it stands for. All I know is that E standards for exam and C probably stands for clinical.). Basically, I walk in to a “patient’ and interview her for 4 minutes. It’s harder than it sounds. Try to cover all 8 cardinal features while maintaining a empathic facial expression, make soothing comments and not interrupt the patients all within 4 minutes. But the good thing was I had a really friendly examiner and the actress was really nice 😀 I think I went okay.

I celebrated the completion of exams by going to one of my friend’s 18th birthday celebration. We ended up going iceskating. It was my very first time. I fell on my butt 5 times, lost count of how many times I went around the rink, clung to the wall at all times and still haven’t managed to get the hang of it. Oh well… It was fun, a bit. My butt’s still sore.

I haven’t got much planned for the holidays. All my Melbourne friends are going overseas. I can’t go back and meet up with my Brisbane friends cause, well, they’re in Brisbane. And my parents are on the other side of the world. So…. am going to enjoy a long long rest.

Until next time!

P.S. I noticed this is more of a list than a blog so apologies. My creative mind is not working tonight.

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