1/6 into my degree: thoughts after the exams

I can’t believe it. As of yesterday, I’m already done with exams. That’s. just. so. surreal. I was so ecstatic yesterday, even jumping up and down outside the REB. Then last night, it finally hit me. I’ve got no academic stuff to do, no work, and nothing at all planned to do for the next four-and-a-half weeks(apart from catching up with friends from uni and from year 12 as well). What am I supposed to do??? And if I don’t find anything to do soon I’ll be spending hour after hour of those four-and-a-half weeks doing household chores(the disadvantage of living at home). Oh crap.

My dad actually got me started already by telling me this morning that he has jobs for me this afternoon – do the vacuuming for the entire house, clean the main bathroom, wash the toilet floor and clean my room. Yeah, I completely envisioned myself happily scrubbing floors after the exams.

On the job-hunting side, the last time I had an interview was during swot vac and I have been sending a trickle of applications during the last few weeks. I’ve never worked for anything for my entire life (well you know, as in getting paid for some work unrelated to doing stuff around the house) so this whole “selling myself” to the potential employer during interviews is all new to me. It doesn’t help that among all the jobs I’ve applied to this semester, there’s only one that I really ever liked (it was for a family-owned arts and crafts shop) and I didn’t get the job because of my availability. Every other job is just something I sort of want for the sake of getting a job. Go figure.

So what’s next for me? I don’t know really… although lately I have been looking over summer vacation student placements for mining. Apparently some companies are taking in undergrad students(even a few 1st year students) in environmental disciplines to work in regional areas(like Morwell or something like that). I was thinking that this might be a nice change of atmosphere after my 1st year of uni. That is, until I read that Victorian students are going to be placed in Nothern Territory. Uhm, okay.. That’s too much of a change in atmosphere. Now back to my part-time job hunting then..

4 thoughts on “1/6 into my degree: thoughts after the exams

  1. You’re not the only one stuck at home – but I guess my obsession with computer gaming keeps me busy on the odd hours. Having to put up with the noise my mum and brother make around the house has led me to sleeping weird hours.
    I enjoy silence, can’t help it.

    It seems a lot of people are stuck in that ‘job hunting’ mindset – even that’s the only thing my online friends in the US talk about. I can’t say I’m one of them, though – I’ve got to design a few things for my SALP Community Project and only a week or so ago I got asked to make Powerpoint slides for a local college’s chemistry course.

    Maybe do some community service work? It’s probably better to deal with erasing boredom first =P Admittingly I wouldn’t mind doing household chores, I would mind if I had to do that much in one day o_o;;

  2. Matt:

    You are a Salper too? what is your community project about? Im doing it this year as well, catch ya around salp events.

  3. We’re doing a fundraiser to raise awareness of teenage children being stuck in aged-care nursing homes (because of lack of appropriate facilities) – look up YoungCare for more information. The statistics one of our members unearthed was actually quite shocking.

    Don’t expect me to be talking much during SALP events – I’m hearing impaired and discussion in the Gryphon Gallery gets fairly noisy as it is =P.

    Oh, and to any readers who’s wondering what SALP is:

  4. Good luck job hunting Gianina. I really hate it, handing in all the applications and I really suck at interviews. But don’t settle if you don’t have to! Holding out for a job you’ll actually not detest and something close to home is normally worth it.
    As a sidenote, I got my last three jobs through people I knew. One of them was because I had my msn name as ‘looking for work’ or something like that and then one of my friends said i could get some work at the law firm she was working at.
    So it’s always who you know, not what you know!
    Good luck 🙂

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