Late, as usual (Peech)

Hello, fellow first years. I procrastinated writing my first post (due to nerves, panic, new-stuff overload, ah!) and now I feel guilty about being slack and slightly intimidated by the standards set by the other bloggers. Phew! So, let me introduce myself. My name is Peech, and I’m… not really a first year, since I’ve completed 3 years of uni already. What am I doing here? Well, the super administrators upstairs let me sneak in on a technicality, since it is my first year at Melbourne University. Harhar! *sneaky*

So, I’m studying Veterinary Science, having completed 3 years of an arts (French and Linguistics)/science (Biology and Chemistry) double degree at Monash. I live in the eastern suburbs, suffer a long commute to uni every morning and get lost using the trams, despite having lived here for 21 years. I’m Asian, and sometimes get mistaken as an international student, (but they generally know my city way better than I do).

Anyway, these blogs are intended to act like a guide to other first years and/or prospective students. I’m going to be a bit dodgy, however, and primarily use this blog to… blather on about whatever takes my fancy. Luckily, my fancies include:

1. Comparing first year university experiences between Monash and Melbourne; and

2. Shedding a little insight as to what goes on way over in the Veterinary Precinct, way over there across the other side of campus.

Hopefully, a this will result in an accurate (and maybe even helpful!) perspective on (my) life at Melbourne University. If only I can find the time between classes, commuting and trying to learn the names of all the bones in a dog’s body… *stress!*

5 thoughts on “Late, as usual (Peech)

  1. Oh god, now you’ll be in the middle of the Melbourne vs. Monash debate.

    Quite frankly, I’m sure both Unis have their merits. I’m at Melbourne because I failed my music audition for Monash, though.

  2. Peech, don’t worry. I’m doubly as intimidated by you by the standards of the other bloggers =D

    Oh, and I hope Melbourne is a lot better than Monash, can’t wait to see the comparison (just because I’ve been having an ongoing feud with my monash mates, about the greater uni)

  3. What standards ? We all like to “blather on about whatever takes [our] fancy”, so there’s no such thing as standards =P And in my case, extremely long-winded and pointless posts.

    Hmm my best friend is at Monash, so I guess I’m kind of in the M vs M debate too…

  4. Jennifer’s post made me snort tea onto my screen. That’s definitely some kind of standard! Check it out if you haven’t already, and fear ever posting again. *meep* =P

    Well, one thing I’ve been noticing is that… Monash seems to have more modern tech-orientated facilities while Melbourne counters that with its history/’tradition of excellence’. I’ve never seen someone use a pool cue as a lecture pointer before, for example. Or maybe it’s a wooden fishing rod? It could just be a vet thing… *shrug*

  5. pool cue ! ehhh i really need to witness that someday =P

    hmm i’ve never been on the Monash campus (like, i have, but not really inside the buildings as such), but i guess the tech bit’s probably interesting… although so far i’ve found nothing to complain about here, tech-wise.

    i dunno. i’ve always believed in the “students make the school” thing. if the school’s resourceful in a useful way, it would add to the learning experience, i guess, but for me it’s still most important that [em]we[/em] do the learning on our own merits, with our own motivation.

    okay i’m starting to lose track of what i’m trying to say here…

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