BAHH, I haven’t updated in so long. Hello to you, fellow bloggers, as well as you, who may currently be in the same stressful position as many of us have been dumped into.

The pre-exam period. SWOTVAC week has.. just ended actually. Some have already begun (with those take-home ones) whilst the majority of commerce students await anxiously, cramming in all the QM you can, trying to understand all the lectures that you happily skipped, drawing graph after graph for Microeconomics, demand and supply-ing it non-stop, and attempting to restate common sense with Management, or actually opening the Accounting book, smelling the brand new ‘fresh book’ smell, and starting to read it.

Yep, exams.

Some of you students from various other faculties, who have had mid-sem’s are probably laughing at the jelly-knees of the commerce students sitting their first University exam EVER. But I grin at you, for you’ve had to do 2 lots of exams. Ha. Thwarted.

So I sit here, supposed to be doing all of the aforementioned, but I’m not, I”m obviously spilling my guts to the world. Isn’t it coincidental that you just happen to find a really addictive game/TV show/movie/food/bed/distraction, just as you want to study?  Sigh. Procrastination seems to be my worst enemy.

I guess (not sure if anyone actually noticed) I haven’t been blogging in so long due to me forgetting my login, and just forgetfulness itself. My bad for not keeping the obligatory once-a-week blogs *hangs head in shame*.

Despite looming exams and assessments, I do have words of encouragement.
Fear not comrades, for the time is nigh’, where we will go to battle! Look not towards the coming bloodshed, but to the prize: the light ahead of this dark abyss.
Sounds like its from a movie right? Nope, its the creation of my extremely distracted and bored mind.
Basically, after this is (surprise surprise) holidays, so no matter the outcome of these exams, take it in, be proud of yourself, or be annoyed and do better next time. Carry it into the next semester to try harder (or maintain your awesome marks), but make sure you chill out, relax and have a drink this break to celebrate the completion of 1/6th of your 3 year degree.


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