Felt that someone other than Jinghan should contribute for once.
=D Lovely weather, isn’t it ladies and gentlemen!
I hope you’ve all been having a wonderful time with whatever it is you do when you’re not devotedly following this blog.
I’ve been having an interesting time of things, and I’m not even really sure where this post is headed. STRAP YOURSELF IN.
Umm, uhhh. So I’m in a position where I really have no idea where I’m heading with my Science course. And I’m also very annoyed because some of the advice I got at the start of the year was rubbish, and a really very bad idea. Which I can’t do anything about now.
If there’s a major you want to get into that has some “recommended” subjects – they’re only recommended. You don’t have to do them. You don’t have to force yourself to do a subject you’ll do poorly at. Ignore the bored-sounding course counselor and do something you’ll do well at/enjoy instead.
Basically, I didn’t have to be doing any maths at all, because all the majors I’m considering don’t need it. And I’m good at maths – or I was anyway, back in the day hahaha – but I really struggle to keep up with the pace of maths at Uni. So, yeah. If your course advisor is anything like the one I had, they know as much as you do.
At present, I’m living with my grandparents (if you didn’t know). But I’ve decided that I’ll be renting with my boyfriend and probably two other people next year! I’m equally excited and apprehensive, and very hopeful that nothing goes wrong… I’ve been with my boyfriend for nearly four years and I feel that I can trust him absolutely – but I don’t know the future. Or where we’d be living, hahah. Renting is so expensive! Argh! If anyone has any advice on ANYTHING here, pleeeeease comment.
Oh, and have you heard of The Stalkerspaces? I believe the original Stalkerspace was a Deakin idea, but I know for sure that both Melbourne and Monash have one. Just type in Melbourne Uni Stalkerspace on facebook. It’ll come up. It is often quite amusing, and if you join some of the other Uni stalkerspaces you get a pretty good idea of what’s going down…
The description: “Ever felt like stalking someone at uni?
Don’t pretend you haven’t!Got a message to send to them?
Why yes, yes you do!Write it out! Write it proud!
“To the guy who insists on wearing wet-leather look pants which are meant for girls, don’t get me wrong i love tight pants and androgyny. but your pants are too tight when i can see outlines. DEAR GOD BUY SOME JEANS””
It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on it. Just in case someone is Stalkerspacing you. The beauty – and perhaps the curse – of the Uni being so large and diverse is that no matter what you look like, how discretely you think you’ve embarrassed yourself, or whatever! someone is going to take notice of you. Yeah, I’ve been stalkerspaced. -___- Luckily for me though, it was just someone being adoring from a distance, and not someone finding it funny that I tripped and fell the other day…
Oh no, wait. That’s not better… SIGH.
This semester is moving very, very fast. There are midsemester tests already! WHAT’S GOING ON.
Yeah, I don’t have anything else to say.