Wow, Glad That's Over. Wait, It Isn't. (Amy)

Happy Saturday!

This week has been so tiring, what with the 6am starts and thrice 4pm lunches. I am very jealous of this girl I met (!!!) who lives at a college and doesn’t have to deal with trains and can return home for free food whenever she wants.

The week has also been lonely, what with not having many new friends yet, and having to call the friends I do have to find out where they are and if they are available if I don’t want to be alone all day.

Also, all my money is gone. I’m not sure where. Probably into very mandatory bits and pieces for Chemistry, also lunches. At 4pm.

But except for those things, uni is pretty awesome 🙂 None of the work has been too hard yet, and the workload isn’t too huge either. I hope that doesn’t change too much. Also, I get to feel superior to all the little children in their uniforms who yell in the trains. Because I am a clever, grown-up uni student! Too mature and intelligent for their gossip and overuse of “like”. Some other highlights have been: the Japanese Club Kaiwa (I don’t know what that means, but it was fun and I met new people 🙂 ), microscopes with two eyepieces, and understanding Calculus.

This post has been a bit pathetic 🙁 sorry. But I have to go study now.

Bye! Thanks for reading 🙂

4 thoughts on “Wow, Glad That's Over. Wait, It Isn't. (Amy)

  1. That isnt pathetic haha its actually pretty funny, not the lonely part, thats a bit of a bummer, i too feel like that sometimes when all my friends are in lectures and im there all alone 🙁 but its only week 1, plenty of time to meet new people haha.

    I love the superiorness (i know thats not a word, im prone to make words like that up haha) of the little school kids, its funny to see them in their uniform and walking around in their classes, and we can bum off whenever we want haha.

    I feel soooo glad im at college because i hear all these horror stories of 6 am and 5.30 am starts and i wake up at 7.30 which is earlier then i need to haha. Its soo nice sleeping in 😀 sorry haha

    I too also love those microscopes, i was like wow, there are far superior to the ones we had at school where we needed to use a lightbulb on a mirror as a light source haha. I hope everything starts working out soon 😀

  2. Aww, thatnks Will 🙂 you are nice. I would totally live at a college if I had a spare $400/week 😛

  3. I’ve been getting all smug about the high-school kids I see, too! Nothing like annoying teenagers to make you feel good about your own maturity level 😉

    As for the money problem…I’m right there with you.

  4. Japanese?! Calculus?! Chemistry?!?! Holy pie, you are me one year ago! 😀

    It’s okay, everyone is poor this time of year. Thank god free sausages are available left right and centre…

    Ah, college kids. Although if I had over $400 a week I’d spend it on chocolate. I know where my priorities are. 😀

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