And so it begins. (Candy)

Wow. I seriously need to get on top of this time management bizzo, otherwise my priorities (in particular writing Blog Entries) are just going to fall by the wayside.


Anyhoo – ah. First Ever Week of University = DUNZO. I must say, I was pretty darn exhausted by mid-week.  And considering my Arts timetable must look like paradise to students from other courses…I guess I really am in the right course, then. 😉

How was it? Interesting seems the right word at the present moment. As each and every day brought something new to the picture, the whole week was filled with feelings of anticipation and…well, honestly, absolute dread.

Dread soon turned to relief though, after the initial awkward introductions and life-saving ice-breaker exercises. If there’s one thing I took away from that entire week, it’s that turning to the person next to you and just saying “Hi, yaddah yaddah” will not make the walls of whatever building you’re in at that point in time crash down around you, and who knows? You might end up smack bang in the middle of a friendly conversation.

-DISCLAIMER: The words ‘yaddah yaddah’ may not be the most ideal icebreaker. Which is why I inserted completely different words in their place. On second thought, opening a conversation with the words ‘yaddah yaddah’ might not be such a bad idea after all. Nothing like lighthearted banter, after all.-

Lectures are fascinating, I have to say. I like the concept of just being required to sit on your behind for an hour or two and take notes – but it’s not so simple when you’re trying to take down the RIGHT notes, whilst refraining from writing complete and utter gibberish all over your page. For the most part, it was pretty hardcore, doing all that listening. At some points – I’m not going to lie – I just sat there and thought, “Why is this information even IMPORTANT?!”… and I do still maintain that thought on some of the content in my subjects, really. I guess I’m not the hugest fan of dissecting something until I’ve lost all interest – some things I just like to enjoy for what they are, without feeling the need to spend copious amounts of time and energy analysing them. But I guess that’s what studying a topic is really all about…hmmm.

I would basically walk to each tute scared out of my mind…but it wasn’t so bad. Obviously as it’s the first week the main point was to get to know our classmates, so my brain was able to avoid getting fried…for now. One thing about tutes: you really should contribute, at least for your own peace of mind. For me, personally, it was pretty darn hard actually opening my mouth without the physical force of my hands, and in my Democracy tute you could practically hear my jaw creaking as my voice croaked out some substance-less answer… but hey, I did it. So at least next time the creaking won’t be so damaging to everyone’s eardrums. 😉

My favourite thing about uni – and I had always hoped this would be the case – is all the people you’re exposed to. People from all walks of life, with rich histories and life experiences. I love walking around campus amidst other students, knowing we’re all going somewhere different. There’s just this liveliness about the place, but at the same time it’s relaxed because everyone is completely content. It’s a really nice vibe – one I am hoping to adopt at some point. 🙂

So, on that note – onward to Week Two, and the rest of the semester. Hell, onward to the rest of the course! I think I may just be getting used to finally saying ‘I’m a Melbourne Uni student.’  🙂

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